  • 學位論文


Circular-Gear and X-Gear Parameter Automation

指導教授 : 王金樹




This research focuses on the parameter foundation of screw compressor against circular-gear and X gear profile. After the given male rotor is geared, we applied Envelop Method to EES Human-Computer Interface software, input Matlab to generate 2D-gear and Conjugate-gear, and used Autocad to do 2D-test followed by discussion about gear-related questions. We illustrated the interference minimization method with Curve Fitting Program. The deprived 2D-gear after interference was used to calculate the area against parameters. To insure the gear design can be used in industrial world, we transformed 2D into 3D gear, calculated in-between gear volume, corner degree and relationships of compression ratios. Based on the result mentioned above, we drew P-V curve to calculate the power rate for convenience sake. Gear variables were parameterized in this thesis. In the future, gear adjustment based on motor standard power is available through automated parameter design process to meet various demands.


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