  • 學位論文


A Study of Aesthetic Literacy among Students of Cosmetology-Related Departments in TVE Institutions

指導教授 : 林俊彥


本研究主旨在探討科技校院美容相關科系學生美感素養之現況與不同背景變項下美感素養的差異情形。本研究採用文獻探討與問卷調查法,首先透過文獻探討作為本研究的理論基礎;再以台灣地區科技校院美容相關科系學生為研究對象,採方便取樣本進行問卷調查與統計分析,共計發出900份問卷,回收815份問卷,回收率達90.6%,其中有效問卷800份,以作為本研究之方法。並將問卷調查所得資料,以百分比、平均數、標準差、t-檢定及單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)等方法進行分析。最後本研究所得結論,歸納如下: 一、科技校院美容相關科系學生的美感素養在「對藝術的態度」、「藝術的知識」與「藝術表現與鑑賞技能」等三向度均較一般大學生高,但在「參與藝術的習慣」向度較一般大學生低。 二、科技校院美容相關科系學生在「參與藝術的習慣」較一般大學生低,參與藝術活動偏向被動,需積極改善。 三、科技校院美容相關科系學生在美感素養「藝術的態度」上,傾向於美感有助生活品質的提升;但不贊同藝術的經濟功能。 四、科技校院美容相關科系學生在「藝術知識」、「藝術表現與鑑賞技能」雖然優於一般大學生,但藝術史認識程度不足,藝術鑑賞及創作能缺乏,值得警惕。 五、不同性別的科技校院美容相關科系男生之美感素養,除了在「參與藝術的習慣」向度中有較佳的素養外,其餘「藝術的態度」、「藝術的知識」與「藝術表現與鑑賞技能」三個向度男、女生無差異。 六、美容相關科系學生的美感素養在「藝術知識」向度以北部地區學生最弱,「藝術表現與鑑賞技能力」,以中部地區最弱,其原因尚待探討。 七、科技校院美容相關科系高年級的學生,並沒有比低年級學生有較高的美感素養,值得美容教學省思。 八、科技校院美容相關科系學生,入學前就讀設計群,在美感素養各向度均優於家政群。 九、目前就讀科技校院流行設計系學生,整體美感素養優於其他美容相關科系學生。 依據本研究之結論,提出數點建議,提供學校未來課程發展與教師教學之參考。


美感 素養 美感素養 美感經驗


The main purpose of this study is to explore the status of aesthetic literacy among students in cosmetology-related departments and the differences of aesthetic literacy under various backgrounds. This study employed review of literature and questionnaires: first, the theoretical basis was investigated based on the literature; then students of cosmetology-related departments in TVE Institutions were researched, using questionnaires to facilitate the convenience sampling and statistical analysis. A total of 900 questionnaires were distributed and 815 questionnaires were returned which accounted for 90.6%. The result of, 800 questionnaires were effective. The study achieved the following results through the percentage, the mean value, standard deviation, t-test and one-way ANOVA were adopted on the analysis. Based on the analysis of the results of the study, the main conclusions are as follows: 1. Aesthetic Literacy was assessed in four categories. In the category “knowledge of art”, “artistic expression and appreciation skills” and “attitude towards art”, students of Cosmetology-related departments scored higher than the general University students, but in the category “habit of participation in the arts”, their score is below that of general University students'. 2. In the “participation in the arts habit” category, students of Cosmetology-related departments scored lower than the general University students: the former are too passive and need to drastically improve their attitude. 3. In the “attitude towards art” category, Cosmetology- related students trend aesthetic is helpful to enhance the quality of life and aesthetic is helpless to economy. 4. In the “knowledge of art” and “artistic expression and appreciation skills” category, Cosmetology-related students scored better than general University students, but their knowledge in history of art was insufficiency and short of appreciation skills. 5. In the “habit of participation in the arts” category, male Cosmetology-related students scored better than female. For other categories, there are no differences between male and female students. 6. In the “knowledge of art” category, Cosmetology- related students of Northern district schools scored the lowest. In the “artistic expression and appreciation skills” category, students in Central district schools scored the lowest. The cause needs to be explored. 7. The scores of Cosmetology-related students in their senior year almost the same as that of students in their junior year, this is worthy of reflection. 8. The all scores of Cosmetology-related students who had previously studied design were better than of those who had studied Home Economics. 9. The four categories of aesthetic literacy of Cosmetology- related students currently studying design are better than those of other cosmetology students. Based on the conclusions of this study, we make several recommendations, which should provide reference for future curriculum development and teacher instruction.




