  • 學位論文


Research of the Reuse of the Heritages by Post-Occupancy-Evaluation of the Historic Buildings Owned by Taipei City Government Department of Cultural Affairs

指導教授 : 宋立垚


《文化資產保存法》中規定古蹟指定後必須維持建築之歷史風貌及限制土地發展不得變更。近年由於古蹟保存思潮的演變,再利用成為古蹟永續保存的方式之一;公部門為解決財政及人事負擔,修訂、提出有關文化資產經營的法令與政策,期望透過民間經營的靈活性,藉由委外經營的方式,鼓勵民間團體積極參與古蹟再利用後的經營管理,以賦予古蹟新風貌及對社會回饋的方式。對古蹟而言,任何再利用機能的導入,都不應該違反當初古蹟指定理由的初衷,目前公部門配合文化政策提出的再利用計畫被質疑與古蹟原有歷史意涵無關聯性。如臺北之家從前美國駐臺北領事館轉變成電影藝術推廣、牯嶺街小劇場則是由中正二分局派出所轉變而來。這些再利用空間雖都是公部門積極推廣古蹟再利用政策下的不同思維,但這些再利用政策的實驗手法也造成民眾對該古蹟指定理由產生極大的錯亂。 本研究以臺北市政府公有古蹟再利用委外經營館所作為討論案例,將古蹟再利用前後的使用機能、以及目前再利用規劃對古蹟公共性的影響,藉由古蹟指定理由及公共服務,來檢視案例在經過公部門與民間經營後,一般民眾及專業者對案例的古蹟指定理由及公共服務上兩者認知差異處。並試圖提出在不影響古蹟指定理由的歷史意涵下,藉由指定理由來評估空間使用強度,找出日後古蹟再利用計畫時的方向與使用。


According to Historic Building Conservation Laws, the historical site once had been assigned, its historical architectural feature should be maintained and its land development should be restricted. Due to the thinking way of Reservation of Historical Site changing recently, the Re-Usage becomes one of the approaches to reserve the Historical Sites. Public Sector had proposed and amended some cultural asset management related laws and regulations in order to reduce its financial and wage loading to the employee. By the outsourcing strategy, Private Sectors have expected to manage the historical Site in a more efficient way. The participation of management of Historical Site Re-Usage by private sectors was highly inspired in order to create new feature of sites. Any new functions introduced from re-usage should not against the original meanings of designation of historical site. Some examples which according to policies of public sectors were queried about it have no relations to its historical content and meanings. The SPOT-Taipei Film House was transformed form the consultancy of USA-Taipei. The Guling Street Avant-Garde Theatre was transformed from Zhongzheng Second Police District. The above examples were come from the policy of Re-Usage of space by the public sectors. However, the examples had messed the reasons of designation of historic site and confused the audience a lot. The study will focus on the examples that were outsourcing for managing of Re-Usage of government owned Historic Sites. It will compare the use function and the impact of publicity by before and after outsourcing. It will also through the reasons of designation and public service to inspect the differences between normal audience and professional persons. The assessment of space density will be addressing which base on the principal of designation of historic site in order to guide the directions of future study and usage.


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