  • 學位論文


Logistics of Construction Planning in Construction Industry-- A Case in the Technology and Studying Building

指導教授 : 林利國


不論是在國內或是國外,建築工程的共同特性係材料種類眾多、製作場所所需空間甚大、資金流量快速、存貨金額鉅大、材料運輸困難、顧客要求多元化等,其中營建業可輕易發現對於物流管理的良窳與否,將對工程專案執行的影響成果龐大,每個工程專案皆可能會因為物流管理的不當而損失相當大量的物料或利潤,此種對營建業不利的風險,有很大的比例係由於營建產業習慣以經驗法則,即傳統做法如何則現在與未來亦將ㄧ成不變,故對於營建材料種類多樣化,數量龐大的情況而言,若於事前可做完善之規劃,利用PDCA循環之原理,提升工程現場之效率及效能,確實為值得努力的研究課題。 在現今步入全球國際化競爭之經營環境,本研究之目的將探討國內營建業於施工前之規劃應用物流管理之可行性探討,分析營建業在建築工地現場物料的儲存與物料流動情形,並將這些物流作業做一事前規劃並檢討改善,期望可以提高整個營建業在建築工程現場中物流運作的效率;並採實際案例模擬來驗證應用相關研究方法,如將製造業物流管理規劃應用於建築工程現場,藉以建構出較有效率之工地現場配置,減少工程施工時間,達到縮減材料成本之效益。


No matter in Taiwan or other country , the common characteristics of the building engineering are that material kinds are numerous, the required spaces for making place are huge, fast cash flow, heavy stock amount, material transport difficulty, customer require pluralism ,and etc.. Among these, construction industry can be easily found that the quality of logistics management has big influence of each construction projects. Each construction project may lose a great amount of supplies or profit due to the improper logistics management, and the risk of disadvantageous loss to construction industry, mainly result from the experience principle that construction industry is used to. In another word, there is no change from the past to the future. So for such various types and huge quantity of material, the well pre-planning with PDCA circulation to improve the efficiency and the utility at the construction job-site will be a valuable research. Taiwan is stepping into the management environment of global internationalized competition now, the purpose of this research is to discuss the possible way on pre-planning of logistics management before practice of construction industry, also to analyze the storing situation and the movement of the supply, to exam and improve the pre-planning activity. By doing so, this research expects to improve the efficiency of logistics operation in building engineering of the whole construction industry. This research also uses the practical case to verify all the related applications, such as applying the logistics management of manufacturing industry into building engineering in order to outline the more efficient allocation at the construction job-site and to shorten the time schedule of the project, and to reduce the material expenditure.


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