  • 學位論文


The Study of Web2.0 Collaborative Design Model with Reference to the Textile Industry

指導教授 : 陳銘崑


隨著全球化競爭與顧客快速變更的需求,迫使製造業者需生產高品質與創新 產品來達到提早上市與降低生產成本目標,逐步有協同設計概念產生。Wang and Tang(2007)[140]提及協同設計是由團隊成員共同協調合力的方法,能提高整體設計與生產流程的價值。而在協同設計流程中,如何提高資訊分享、知識管理或是智慧型Web-Based界面來協助設計者更便利的進行設計,則成為協同設計發展趨勢[100]。 研究發現在紡織產品研發流程中,紡織產業對於市場需求與流行掌握度不足、設計知識無法有效利用、資料搜尋困難以及研發過程資料分散無法妥善整合等問題點。近年來,O'Reilly提出Web2.0概念,主要以使用者為中心,經由Blog與Wiki的應用,可以大幅改善客戶與企業成員的互動模式,突破以往協同設計的限制。當中並結合AJAX、RSS技術應用,使資訊的傳遞更佳便利以迅速,企業回應速度大幅增加,並提高雙方的互動能力。本研究的成果與貢獻為,經由文獻整理歸納出Web2.0協同設計運作情境,接續採用模糊德菲法來進行本研究之情境驗證,觀察出Blog與Wiki能提高雙方的互動能力,RSS與AJAX讓資訊傳遞更加迅速,有效協助布廠掌握住客戶需求,強化彼此的關係。


協同設計 情境 模糊德菲法 Web2.0


Globalization competition and rapid changes in customer demand. Manufacturers force to produce high quality and innovation product to achieve lower production costs and early involvement objectives. The developed of collaborative design concept who Wang and Tang (2007)[140] metioned that collaborative design team members by way of cooperation efforts to improve the overall design and the value of the production process. Collaborative design process, how to knowledge management do well or assist the designer more convenient to design has become the collaborative design trend. But the study found that in the textile product development process facing many problems. For example, do not understand market demand, design knowledge do not effectively use, information search difficult, R&D data dispersed. In recent years, O'Reilly proposed the concept of Web2.0. It is user-centered primarily through the Blog and Wiki application that can improve customer and enterprise interaction. And combination AJAX and RSS technology, lead information transaction and enterprise response time increase to improve the interact ability. The result of study and contributed that through application of Web2.0 to contruct of collaborative design scenario. Then we usded the Fuzzy Delphi Method to verification scenario and propose observation and suggection. In this study, we observation Blog and Wiki can increase the enterprise interaction, RSS and AJAX let information transfer more quality. The Web2.0 collaborative design model that can help cloth factory control customer need and strengthen their relationship.


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