  • 學位論文


Developing the Instant Electrical Generator and Its Applications

指導教授 : 丁振卿


本論文主要在研究由本CCT實驗室所自行開發的不受轉速影響發電機,亦稱為即動發電機,目前已由本CCT實驗室保有專利。 本即動發電機乃由外壁繞有線圈的線圈管及其內部可自由移動的強力磁鐵,再加上 線圈管兩端可交互推動管內強力磁鐵的機構所組成,當管內強力磁鐵往復穿過線圈時,可感應產生電動勢。 本研究工作主要在進行即動發電機之效率最佳化探討,將探討線圈的長度、線徑、匝數、 管內磁鐵重量等參數對發電機效率影響,結果顯示,本即動發電機之初期效率達約42%。另外, 本論文進一步使用本即動發電機製成地面發電裝置雛型機,利用壓縮機構以擷取行人行走時之能量,再透過曲柄與齒輪等傳動機構將衝程 放大以帶動即動發電機發電,目前所完成的機構之初期整體效率約5%。最後,本研究工作自製量測裝置進行發電機之效率量測, 利用Labview整合示波器與電路設計控制負載自動切換進行自動化I-V與P-V曲線量測, 成功的節省了量測時間並提昇工作效率,也大大的節省了許多研究成本。


This paper aims to develop the rotational speed independent electric generator which is invented by our CCT laboratory. This special electric generator is also called as the instant electric generator and is patented by our CCT laboratory. The instant electric generator is built in electric coil tube and a NdFeB magnet is inside it for electric induction with motion of to and fro. The outer two sides of the electric coil tube have two movable NdFeB magnets which alternately moves close to the electric coil tube and shoves the inner NdFeB magnet to run through the electric coil. This action yields induced electromotive force in the electric coil. This work mainly studies working efficiency optimization of the instant electric generator. The studied parameters are length, wire diameter, and turns of the electric coil as well as weight of the inside NdFeB magnet. The results show that the preliminary working efficiency of the instant electric generator is ca. 42%. Moreover, this work further made a prototype of ground electric generator using instant electric generator. The prototype of ground electric generator uses compression mechanism to pick up energy from walkers and transports energy through integration of crank and gear for stroke enlarging and electric generation. The preliminarily reached working efficiency is ca. 5%. Finally, a home-made automation measuring apparatus which uses Labview integrate with the oscilloscope and the circuit design of automation controlling load for determining I-V and P-V curves is also successfully developed. The developed automation measuring apparatus has helped to save investigating time and cost.


58.陳瓊興,LabView 8.X與感測電路應用,台北:台科大圖書股份有限公司,2008。
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