  • 學位論文


Establishment of Seismic Retrofitting Module and Visualization Operation in Seismic Evaluation System of Reinforced Concrete Buildings

指導教授 : 宋裕祺


自921集集大地震後,結構耐震能力評估與結構補強一直是土木工程師的重要研究課題。近幾年國內學者積極參與相關研究,已開發出可靠的耐震能力評估輔助分析軟體,使業界有可依循的方法與工具,執行耐震能力詳細評估。在耐震補強方面,目前國內校舍常用的補強工法如:擴柱補強、翼牆補強及增設鋼筋混凝土牆等,主要以強度補強為主。對於校舍以外之其他既有建築物,亦可依照結構系統特性,採用韌性剪力補強的方式,提昇其耐震能力以達到耐震需求。另外,對於特殊用途的建築物,如醫院建築,因其使用空間的限制較為嚴苛,既有運作功能甚難因補強作業而暫停或中止,所以校舍常用的補強工法可能就比較不適用,國外常用的外加構架或鋼斜撐構架補強工法等可能較為合宜。本文彙整國內外常用的各種耐震補強工法,建立結構非線性分析方法,以求取補強構材塑性鉸之特性,作為側推分析或非線性動力歷時分析之依據,並以物件導向程式語言C#,將各種耐震補強工法之分析方法,建構於鋼筋混凝土建築物耐震能力評估系統(SERCBWin2012)。 本研究將於SERCBWin2012中建構的補強分析模組有:鋼筋混凝土柱包覆強度補強、鋼筋混凝土柱包覆圍束補強、鋼板包覆圍束補強、柱增設翼牆補強及鋼斜撐構架補強工法的補強分析模組。其中在柱構件的部份又可分為矩型及圓形斷面的分析模組;翼牆的部份則也可分單側翼牆、雙側翼牆。並進一步將分析模組之分析結果與相關實驗結果進行比對,以確保本文所提之方法能有效掌握補強後構件的非線性行為。 另外,為讓使用者方便檢視補強分析結果,本文利用Tao OpenGL的程式庫於SERCBWin2012系統上增建視覺化展示功能視窗。視覺化展示功能視窗主要是協助使用者能直接於SERCBWin2012視窗操作平台上點選並檢視分析模型中各構件的塑性鉸發展狀態、基本資料、軸力彎矩關係圖等,而不必再以結構分析軟體與分析系統間切換的方式來檢視結果,可提昇工程師分析的效率。 最後,以一實際案例,介紹耐震能力評估補強的分析作業程序,透過此案例的介紹,能讓使用者更了解各補強方法對於整體耐震能力提昇的差異,同時也作為使用者進行耐震能力補強分析作業的參考。 本研究從補強分析方法的研究、驗證比對,最後將各補強分析方法整合於SERCBWin2012系統上,且提供便利的檢核功能視窗,相信此研究成果能作為國內工程師在未來補強分析作業中的輔助工具,並提昇耐震補強評估的分析效率及準確性。


The SERCB (Seismic Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Building) is a popular software of seismic evaluation for existing RC buildings in Taiwan. It provides a powerful visualization function of plastic hinge setting for RC members as preprocessor of pushover analysis as well as nonlinear time history analysis, preventing the manmade mistakes and enhancing the work efficiency. In addition, It also gives an automatic connection to the commercial software such as ETABS, MIDAS, etc. to perform nonlinear structural analysis, and a postprocessor in justifying if the seismic capacity of RC building is qualified or not. As a result, the SERCB is well used by the structural engineers herein. This dissertation intends to extend SERCB to deal with seismic retrofitting. Some available retrofitting works including (1) improving the RC columns by RC covering, CFRP wrapping or steel jacketing to increase ductility or strength, (2) installing wing wall to enhance strength, (3) inserting or attaching steel frame to increase stiffness were studied and discussed. The plastic hinge property of the RC member retrofitted was able to be determined and its precision was assured by investigation of practical experimental results. Some case studies were conducted by the software updated. In addition, this dissertation also created the visualization operation for various seismic retrofitting works and functionality of observation at pushover result on SERCB. The detailed information including cross section, reinforcement as well as steel arrangement and plastic hinge property, etc. are able to be displayed visually to provide an easier effort on input debugging for engineers. The library of Tao OpenGL was employed to illustrate the status development of plastic hinge property for the structural member clicked. The switch between SERCB and ETABS or MIDAS is able to be neglected and therefore increase the efficiency of check on analysis results. The results obtained from this dissertation can benefit the structural engineers performing seismic retrofitting on existing buildings.


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