  • 學位論文


The Operational Strategy of Pumping Station--Case at Chung-Ho Pumping

指導教授 : 林鎮洋


抽水站係屬防洪最後一道防線,近年來氣候變化異常導致降雨強度變大且集中,對於保護程度僅有五年的防洪抽水站而言,無疑是一重大考驗。 為使抽水站發揮應有的抽排功能,除了定期的維護保養及不斷地進行人員訓練外,管理制度的建立及適當的操作機制亦是不可或缺的必要因素。 本研究利用暴雨經理模式(Storm Water Management Model),來模擬集水區內逕流量、抽水機啟動數目及下水道水位等,首先找出集水區內重要瓶頸段,並提出解決對策,進一步訂出「中和抽水站」操作水位,最後率定出在不同水位及不同時雨量情況下,模擬出未來需要啟動之抽水機數目,使抽水站人員有足夠的時間,預先來排空下水道內之雨水逕流,減少淹水之機會,將抽水站消極地被動式防災變成積極地主動式防災。


抽水站 防災 操作水位 操作策略


Of the flood control pumping stations are the last line of defense. In recent years climate change caused abnormal rainfall intensity larger and became a major test to the pump stations with protection level of five years in return period. To ensure the function of pump stations, in addition to regular maintenance and continuous personnel training, establishment of management systems and appropriate operation mechanisms are essential factors. The study used Storm Water Management Model to simulate the runoff from catchments, the number of activated pumps and the stage of sewage, etc.. Firstly, the study identified the bottleneck of catchments and proposed countermeasures, and further set operational stages of Chung-Ho Pump Station. Finally, the quantity of necessarily activated pump was simulated under circumstances of different stages and rainfall, enable the pumping station staff to have sufficient time in advance to emptying sewage runoff and reduce flooding risk.


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