  • 學位論文


Doctor-shopping Behavior of Patients with Vitreous Floaters

指導教授 : 楊哲銘教授


【背景與動機】飛蚊症是眼科門診常見的患者主訴之一,絕大部分的飛蚊症屬於眼球玻璃體生理性的退化現象,雖然不會影響視力,但因為症狀不會很快消失,飄浮物常會干擾患者的視覺,所以病患常常重複就診或在多位醫師之間尋求解釋及醫療建議或治療,然唯有少部份病患因飛蚊症產生併發症需要做積極治療,大部分只需要注意飛蚊症的症狀有無變化及固定時間回診檢查即可確保眼睛健康,短時間內重複就診無非是耗費寶貴的醫療資源。 【方法】本研究採橫斷式調查研究法,透過結構式問卷調查,分析初診與重複就診的飛蚊症患者,在社會人口學、健康信念及風險知覺等影響因素上的差異,來探究影響輕症患者就診行為的因素。 【結果】計得有效問卷為155份,並得結論如下:社會人口學變項與就診行為的相關性不顯著。風險知覺變項與就診行為之相關性檢定中,唯有「知覺行動障礙」、「行動線索」與「健康動機」達到顯著統計標準。以羅吉斯迴歸分析檢定風險知覺變項與就診行為,只有「自我效能」及「健康動機」達到顯著統計標準。「自我效能」與重複就診呈負相關;「健康動機」則是正相關。 【結論】由研究結果得知要消弭民眾重複就診行為,首要應提升國人衛生教育認知及自我效能,臨床上結合專業衛教人員及醫療人員提供患者有效的衛生教育及醫療品質保證,將健康動機的層次提升到健康促進,人人自我健康管理,以減少醫療資源浪費。


【Background】Vitreous floater(s) (myodesopsia) is a common complaint in the ophthalmic care setting. Almost all the cases are due to physical degeneration of the vitreous in the middle of our eye ball. Although the condition is considered benign, patients seek explanation and medical advice or cure methods over and over again or between different doctors because the symptom will not go away in a period of time. There is only small part of the patient need medical treatment due to retinal complication of the vitreous flaoters, otherwise regular follow-up and be ware of the symptoms of red-flag will keep eyes in proper conditions. 【Method】This study designs a structural questionnaire to examine and analyze the difference of health belief and risk perception between the first and repeat visiters due to vitreous floaters in out-patient clinic. 【Result】The results showed doctor-shopping behavior in patients with vitreous floaters are related to the health motivation, cues to action and perceived barriers. And the Logistic regression analysis showed that the more self-efficacy the less doctor-shopping behavior and the stronger action motivation the more doctor-shopping behavior. 【Conclusion】More self-efficacy will reduce doctor-shopping behavior and although health motivation will help people to research proper medical care, it should be promoted to higher level of health promotion in order to reach self-management health care and reserve medical resources.


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