  • 學位論文


The Effects of a Home-Based Exercise Training Program on Sleep Quality and Physical Function in Hemodialysis patients

指導教授 : 蔡仁貞


本研究目的旨在探討居家規律運動訓練對血液透析病患睡眠品質及身體活動功能之成效。採實驗性研究設計,以立意取樣方式選取臺北市某醫學中心兩個血液透析室病患作為收案對象,再將研究對象以隨機分派方式分配至運動組30名及控制組31名,共計61名病患完成研究。運動組於非透析日接受居家規律運動訓練計畫介入措施,每週三次、每次三十分鐘、為期八週之快走運動,而控制組則接受一般自我照護指導。以結構式問卷進行資料收集,運動組於運動訓練計畫前後及控制組於對照期前後分別檢測六分鐘步行距離、填寫中文版匹茲堡睡眠品質量表、以及身體功能狀態量表。運用描述性統計百分比、平均值、標準差、卡方檢定來分析兩組之同質性,以皮爾遜積差相關來分析人口學特徵、睡眠品質與身體活動功能之相關性,推論性統計以t檢定、配對t檢定來比較兩組睡眠品質及身體活動功能改善之成效。研究結果顯示兩組人口學特徵、睡眠品質及身體活動功能的前測值並無顯著差異( p>.05 )。運動組經過八週居家運動訓練計畫後其睡眠品質總分達顯著差異( t=5.95, p<.01 )、身體活動功能總分達顯著差異( t=-3.34, p=.02 )、六分鐘步行距離達顯著改善( t=-10.62, p<.01 ),而控制組所有變項皆未達顯著變化。本研究成果可作為血液透析病患居家照護之參考,依研究結果建議未來可將居家規律運動訓練計畫納入血液透析病患居家照護計畫,以提升其居家生活品質。


The purpose of this experimental study was to explore the effects of a home-based exercise training program on sleep quality and physical function in hemodialysis patients . A total of 61 eligible subjects were recruited by purposive sampling from two hemodialysis units from a medical center in Taipei. They were randomly assigned into exercise training group (n=30) or control group (n=31). The exercise training group received fast walking exercise training on non-dialysis day, 30 minutes each time, three times a week, and for eight weeks. The control group received regular nursing care. Each subject in both groups completed the 6-minute walk test, The Chinese version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and Functional Status Questionnaires before and after the eight-week study. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics using percentage, mean±SD, Chi-square, Pearson correlation, inferential statistics using independent t-test and paired t test by statistics software. The results showed that there are not significant difference in characteristic data, sleeping quality and physical function at baseline between the two groups (p>.05). However, there are significant improvement in sleeping quality (t=5.95, p<.01), total physical functional score (t=-3.34, p=.02) and the 6-minute walk test (t=-10.62, p<.01) in exercise group after the 8-weeks training, but all the indicators of the control team are not significant difference. The results showed that the home-based exercise program significantly improved the subjects sleep quality, physical function and the distance covered in the 6-minute walk test among hemodialysis patients. Results of this study, provide as a reference for patients receiving hemodialysis in the clinical practice. Based upon the study findings, we suggest that a home-based exercise training program could be infused in future home care plan.


吳淑瓊、徐慧娟、莊瑛智、張明正 (1996).功能評估在估計臺灣社區老人長期照護需要之應用.中華公共衛生雜誌,15(6),533-545。
