  • 學位論文


The Exploration of Empowerment Perception and Quality of Life Among Chronic Schizophrenia in Psychiatric Community Rehabilitation Institution

指導教授 : 謝佳容


本研究目的是以社區慢性精神分裂病患為對象,探討其精神症狀、精神社區復活動、充權感受及生活品質情形,更進一步探討其基本屬性與生活品質的差異,並進一步以路徑分析探討重要變項影響生活品質的作用機制,採橫斷性研究設計,以多階段集體隨機抽樣的方式(Probability proportional to size; PPS),自居住在北部地區合法立案之精神社區復健機構(包括社區復健中心、康復之家)病患190名,由研究者親自訪談及收集資料,其研究工具將包括:「病患基本資料」、「社區精神病症狀評量表」、「精神社區復健活動量表」、「充權感受量表」、「精神科病人生活品質量表」。統計方法將包括:描述性統計、t 檢定、變異數分析、路徑分析,所得資料以SPSS 15.0及Amos 7.0套裝軟體進行描述性及推論性統計。 結果如下: (1)男、女性各95名,年齡平均44.9歲,多數未婚、待業中。 (2)整體精神症狀在輕度範圍,不影響日常生活。 (3)康復之家慢性精神分裂病患之整體精神社區復健活動,以「生活支持」得分最高;社區復健中心慢性精神分裂病患以「生活自主」得分最高。 (4)精神社區復健機構慢性精神分裂病患之整體充權感受以「自尊」得分最高,以「合理表達生氣」得分最低。 (5)精神社區復健機構慢性精神分裂病患的生活品質與個人基本屬性中的「教育程度」、「工作狀況」、「年齡」、「患病時間」有統計上的顯著差異;但與「性別」、「婚姻狀況」之間並無顯著差異。 (6)路徑分析結果顯示,不論是透過直接或是間接的方式,充權感受對於生活品質都具有重要的影響。 期能藉此實證性研究的結果,瞭解慢性精神分裂病患於精神社區復健活動的生活品質與充權感受,讓病患之充權感受獲得重視,同時,研究結果將可提供精神社區復健政策與未來研究的參考。 關鍵字:精神社區復健活動、充權感受、生活品質、精神社區復健機構


The purpose of this study subjects are chronic mental illness to understand the Psychiatric Symptoms, Psychiatric Community Rehabilitation, Empowerment and Quality of life scale for psychiatric patients (QLSP) for chronic psychiatric patients in the community. Moreover, significant variables derived from bivariate analysis were then considered in the path model. A cross-sectional and the sampling will be used by stratified random sampling. The research subjects will selective from 190 subjects institutes of psychiatric rehabilitation in community which in the halfway house and Community rehabilitation Center; the instruments will be including demographic data, Psychiatric Symptoms Scales, Psychiatric Community Rehabilitation Scale, Empowerment Scale, the quality of care scale for psychiatric patient. Descriptive statistics, Independence t test, One-Way ANOVA, Tukey Post Hoc Tests and path analysis were utilized to analysis data. SPSS 15.0 and Amos 7.0 were used to analyze the data. Research result is as followed: (1) The gender of Community Psychiatric Rehabilitation Institution patients were about half and half, with mean age of 44.9 years. Most of the patients were unmarried and unemployed. (2) The overall psychotic symptoms was the mild level, it was not affect people's daily lives. (3)The subjects in the halfway house had Psychiatric community rehabilitation, the score of “Life support” concept was the highest, chronic psychiatric subjects in the community rehabilitation center had community rehabilitation, the score of “Independent life” concept was the highest. (4) The subjects in the community had empowerment perception, the score of “self-esteem” concept was the highest, while “righteous anger” was the lowest. (5)Among the demographic factors, chronic schizophrenia patients “educational level”, “work status”, “age”, “duration of illness” were significant differance on Quality of Life. No differance were found among the factors related to patients “sex” and “marital status”. (6) Path analysis showed that overall fit of adjusted model was acceptable, the result of path-analysis indicated that whether through directly or indirectly effect, empowerment perception have important impact to quality of life in community rehabilitation for chronic schizophrenia patients. By this result of evidence research, we can understand the quality of life and empowerment perception in community rehabilitation for chronic schizophrenia patients. The results of this study may enable the government to adapt mental health policy and in the future. keywords: Psychiatric Community rehabilitation, Empowerment Perception, Quality of Life, Community Psychiatric Rehabilitation Institution


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