  • 學位論文


Study the Impact of Hospital Internal Medication Control Stipulation on Physicians Prescribing

指導教授 : 黃國哲


失眠問題是許多病患就診的主訴之一。長期睡眠不足除了影響患者的身心健康,還嚴重影響其日常生活及工作表現。根據台灣最新的調查顯示,國人 15 歲以上人口失眠的盛行率高達 28%,為亞太地區之冠軍。用於失眠治療的安眠鎮靜劑,成為台灣最常被處方的精神治療藥品。由於安眠鎮靜劑的使用可能衍生依賴性、耐藥性、反彈性失眠及戒斷症狀,衛生署建議不宜連續使用超過 4 星期。 本研究結果顯示在新管控規定實施介入後,對Stilnox藥物濫用之處方問題之「給藥總量過多」及「使用劑量超出每日劑量」有顯著的影響,「給藥規律性」則沒有顯著的影響。病患年齡對於給藥規律性、給藥總量過多、使用劑量超出每日劑量有顯著的影響;病患性別對於給藥規律性、給藥總量過多有顯著的影響;在性別上,男性每日劑量過高之比率大於女性,男性給藥總量過多之比率也大於女性;疾病診斷別對於給藥總量過多、使用劑量超出每日劑量有顯著的影響。醫師年齡對於給藥規律性、給藥總量過多、使用劑量超出每日劑量有顯著的影響;相較於女性醫師而言,男性醫師之使用劑量超出每日劑量的情形較常見;醫師級職對於給藥規律性、給藥總量過多、使用劑量超出每日劑量有顯著的影響;是精神專科醫師對於給藥規律性、給藥總量過多、使用劑量超出每日劑量則有顯著的影響;醫師專科年資對於給藥規律性、給藥總量過多有顯著的影響。


Loses sleep the question is many sickness seeing a doctor host sues one.The long-term sleep insufficient except affects patient's physical and moral integrity, but also affects its daily life and the work performance seriously.Demonstrated according to the Taiwan newest investigation that, above the people 15 years old the population loses sleep is in vogue rate reaching as high as 28%, champion of for the Asian and Pacific area.Uses in losing sleep the treatment to sleep soundly the sedative, becomes Taiwan most often by the prescription psychotherapy drugs.Because sleeps soundly the sedative use possible to grow the dependence, the drug resistance, the counter-elasticity loses sleep and the abstention breaks the symptom, the health bureau suggestion not suitable long-term usage surpasses 4 weeks. This study findings appear in the new provisions on the implementation of the involvement of management and control, on the prescription drug abuse Stilnox problem of the total amount of medication; excessive; use dose exceeds the daily dose ; have a significant effect, the regularity of the delivery; there is no significant effect.As a patient aged for medication regularity, the total amount of medication is excessive, use, dose exceeds the daily dose have a significant effect; sufferers sex for medication regularity, the total amount of medication is excessive have a significant effect; the male gender, excessive daily dose is greater than the ratio of women, the total amount of male drug delivery ratio of too much larger than the female; disease diagnosis of the total amount for the delivery for don't is excessive, use, dose exceeds the daily dose have a significant effect. Physician age for medication regularity, the total amount of medication is excessive, use, dose exceeds the daily dose have a significant effect; in contrast to female physicians are concerned, male physicians use dose exceeds the daily dose of the situation of the more common; physician-level vocational for medication regularity, the total amount of medication is excessive, use, dose exceeds the daily dose have a significant effect; is the spirit of the specialist for medication regularity, the total amount of medication is excessive, use, dose exceeds the daily dose you have a significant effect; physician specialist seniority for medication regularity, the total amount of medication is excessive, use, dose exceeds the daily dose you have a significant effect; physician specialist seniority for medication regularity, the total amount of medication is excessive have a significant effect.


Liao SC, Lee MB, Lee YJ. (2000) .The biology of sleep and its clinical implications. Formosan J Med. , 4(6),652-664.
