  • 學位論文


Voxel-Based Morphometry Analysis of Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Explore Subject Memory Impairment

指導教授 : 邱泓文


主觀記憶衰退(Subjective memory impairment; SMI)在近年來深受各國研究學者的重視,有主觀記憶衰退症狀的健康老年人比沒有主觀記憶衰退症狀的健康老年人,發展成進一步失智的輕度認知障礙(MCI)的風險多出4.5倍,一旦發展成輕度認知障礙每年約有10-15%的機會發展為阿茲海默症,我們將樣本分成33位患者組與39位正常對照組並以年齡為應變數使用基於體素的型態學測量(VBM)方法與統計的雙樣本檢驗法來比較兩者間的差異。 結果我們發現了左腦額葉的額下回、左右腦顳葉的顳上回、左小腦的小腦腳部位、大腦的舌回區域、顳葉與枕葉下方內側間的海馬旁回、右側小腦的區塊及左腦的前扣帶都是發現與正常對照組大腦間有差異點存在的地方,所以我們發現以年齡為應變數與將影像做平滑化是在分析當中很重要的步驟,才可以讓我們的結果顯示出不是雜訊而是有顯著差異的部位。


Subjective memory impairment (SMI) has been suggested as a manifestation of Alzheimer's Disease (AD) preceding mild cognitive impairment (MCI). In this study, we determined some of the brain interior will cause the memory impairment. There are 4.5 times more risk with SMI patient to get MCI disease, and each year had 10-15% opportunities to become Alzheimer's Disease. Using the study-specific templates and voxel-based morphometry (VBM) to display, normalize,smoothing, and segment. Statistical comparisons were performed using the two sample t-test to analysis whether or not have different between normal control subjects and SMI patient, we got the results that there are eight area had variation, and this research let us know setting the conditions and smoothing the images were very important to do, or we will get the insignificant and many noises statistical graph.


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