  • 學位論文


The Evaluation and Assessment on Establishing Juvenile Police Corps in Each Police Bureau-Examples of Tao Yuan County

指導教授 : 李伯謙


台灣省各縣市警察局成立少年隊已四年,警政署對少年隊職掌原則性的律定了十項業務,這十項職掌又可歸納為四個層面:校園安全、查察取締、預防犯罪、保護輔導,各縣市警察局執行校園安全、查察取締等行之有年的工作差異不大,但在預防犯罪、保護輔部份無不挖空心思,設計辦理一系列活動及推動心理諮商輔導。 事實上行政院在六十八年有鑑於少年問題之嚴重,即召集各相關部門訂定「防制青少年犯罪方案」,後經七次將該方案名稱修正為「預防少年兒童犯罪方案」,兼重預防與矯治,真正屬於警政工作的項目只有在預防項下的「加強執行少年不良行為及虞犯預防辦法」,其主要核心工作為對偏差行為少年勸導、檢查、盤詰、制止鄉,對於受刑事或保護處分執行完畢之少年,應根據其素行隨時瞭解其生活情形,如發現異狀,即予適當之處理。 行政院的「預防少年兒童犯罪方案」、警政署律定的職掌、各縣市警察局所擴大的業務範圍究竟何者為洽?又現階段少年隊系屬刑警體系下一環,成員皆具刑警人員身分,與刑警隊、各分局刑警人員人事互通,少年隊成員究應具備何種條件?幾無人駐足探討。 本研究採問卷調查法,針對桃園縣各國中學務(訓導)、輔導人員進行問卷普查,共發出二百六十四份問卷,回收二百二十五分,回收率85.22%,冀能瞭解少年警察工作的問題與方向。 研究結果發現,受試人認為少年隊應從事的重點工作與行政院頒布之「預防少年兒童犯罪方案」,當中賦予警政工作的項目只有在預防項下的「加強執行少年不良行為及虞犯預防辦法」不謀而合。換言之少年隊重點工作應擺在少年易聚集場所的臨檢查察,少年偏差行為的勸導,至於目前所列重點工作之諮商輔導、辦理各項活動,並不需著力太多,也不必如同刑警隊偵辦一般刑案,或捨本逐末的偵辦少年犯罪取代勸導干預。 另受試人仍認為少年隊偵查員除應具備身材高大、嚴肅兇悍之便衣刑警的傳統印象,亦應具備輔導專業素養、充分與學校配合、愛心耐心、善於表達、年紀要輕的現代觀的觀念。 政府分官設職各有所司,不容亦不宜跨足其他權責部門業務,且警力有限,致力某項業務,必排擠其他業務無法兼顧。以客戶導向(學校)的觀念架構出發,避免主觀意識,在繁雜的業務中,釐清工作重點,提供政策制定的參考。


少年警察 少年隊


Juvenile police corps has been established for over four year under each police bureau in Taiwan, There are ten major businesses in National Police Agency, Ministry of the Interior. And the ten major business can be divided into four domains: school security, crime detection, crime prevention, protection and counseling of juveniles. School security and juvenile delinquency detection are almost the same among each police bureau in Taiwan. A series of counseling activities has been promoted. What are the scopes of the proposal for juvenile prevention from the two different Executive Yuan and police bureau? Does the business overlap? Juvenile office belongs to criminal investigation officers. What are the requirements for the juvenile officers? This study is via questionnaires to investigate what aspects are the juvenile police officers going to do? The object of the questionnaire is from staff and faculty from junior high school in Taoyuan. There are 264 questionnaire sent to the faculties and staff of junior high in Taoyuan county. And there are 225 valid ones replying back. And the valid retrieved rate is 85.22%. The major aims of juvenile police corps mainly focuses on checking the places where juveniles are most likely to gather together and correcting the deviant behaviors of juveniles. Furthermore, it’s thought that the stereotype of undercover police officers should be tall, strong, tough and serious. But it is also thought that juvenile officers are supposed to be professional, loving, caring, patient, expressive as well as modernized to fit the trend. In brief, every department in the government has its own business. It is not requisite to help other department with limited police resources. Juvenile officers have to develop a more delicate and more customer-driven (school) service model in order to provide customerized service and proper policy and then create more competitive, more efficient advantage.




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