  • 學位論文

協同商務之研究 ─ 以TFT-LCD產業為例

The research of collaborative commerce ─ A Study of TFT-LCD Industries

指導教授 : 古思明 龐金宗


本論文有鑑於經濟全球化的發展趨勢,以及台灣面臨產業外移與產業轉型之壓力下,企業要如何因應全球化之發展趨勢?以及如何處理產業外移與產業轉型之問題?況且,台灣在2002年開始推動「六年國家總體建設計劃」,用以規劃未來台灣發展方向,是否能夠找出一個方法或架構,來輔助國家發展計劃之推行? 因此,本研究期望以協同商務之降低地理環境區隔;合作為導向之商業環境;企業(組織)間流程之分享/整合;企業(組織)間之管理等特性,透過分析與其對企業影響之研究,以做為企業經營者之問題因應與推展國家計劃之參考。 本研究中發現,在以往協同商務的研究中,並沒有提出新創之理論,很多觀念並非是新創。但是他卻提供了一個整體架構之思為,讓經營者與管理者重新檢視企業(組織)本身,這包含核心競爭力、組織架構、資訊科技之應用、作業流程等;與其所處之環境,這包含商業形象、與競爭者與合作者之間關係、優勢條件等。 研究顯示:一、傳統商務與協同商務在本質與目的上沒有差別。二、協同商務提供企業(組織)一整體經營架構。三、資訊科技在協同商務中扮演不可或缺的角色。四、協同商務能輔助企業轉型、因應全球化與國家發展計劃之推行。


In view of the trend of economic developed globalization and the pressure of industry transformation and moving out from Taiwan, how does the enterprise in Taiwan face with that situation? Meanwhile, it starts to push the movement called “National Development Plan” from the year of 2002 in Taiwan which in order to plan the direction of development in the future. If it can find the way or skeleton that can help the movement of national development plan? Consequently, this research hopes that Collaborative Commerce can reduces division of geographic environment, orientation of coopetition commercial environment, property of share and integration of business flow and management, by way of research that impact of enterprise analysis which is as solution of enterprise manager and reference of movement of nation''s plan. In this research, we can''t find any innovated theory which is posed in the area of Collaborative Commerce in fact. It offers the thought of whole skeleton to let businessman and managers overlook not only organization itself which include the core of competition, organization architecture, IT application, operation flow but also environment which include commercial image, the relation and superiority of collaborator and competitor. This research indicate that: 1. There are no difference between conventional commerce and Collaborative Commerce in purpose and essential 2. Collaborative Commerce provides the whole skeleton using IT for enterprise. 3. IT plays a indispensable role in Collaborative Commerce. 4. Collaborative Commerce can help enterprise transformation, globalization, and the progress of national developed plan.


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