  • 學位論文


A Study of Customer Switching Behavior for Online Game User

指導教授 : 林耀欽


在顧客關係管理上,顧客轉換行為是相當重要的課題之一,對於企業市佔率和收益都會造成負面的影響。寬頻網路的興起帶動了線上遊戲產業,台灣線上遊戲市場從2000年蓬勃發展,至今已逐漸成熟,如何有效地保留住玩家將是未來線上遊戲廠商必須面臨的挑戰。 本研究以Keaveney之顧客轉換模式為基礎,分成滿意度、後悔度、轉換障礙三構面來探討線上遊戲使用者轉換因素,並探討不同用戶特徵、參與行為及參考群體效益之玩家,在評估滿意度、後悔度與轉換障礙上的差異。本研究以網路問卷調查進行,有效樣本共計573份,樣本資料則採用變異數分析檢定。研究結果發現,(1)線上遊戲使用者在考慮轉換時,和一般產品或服務使用者考量的因素有所不同,不論在滿意度或後悔度方面都重視核心服務,價格、不便利性和人員服務僅在後悔度上影響轉換意願評估,時間轉換成本則是唯一的轉換障礙。(2)線上遊戲參與經驗對於滿意度、後悔度、轉換障礙評估皆具顯著差異。(3)不論實體或虛擬參考群體之認同影響,對玩家皆造成顯著影響。最後並根據研究結果,提出若干建議以供線上遊戲業者與後續研究者參考。


Customer Switching Behavior is a very important topic in customer relationship management. It negatively influences market share and returns of business. The Development of Broadband network promotes online game industry. In Taiwan, online game market rises and develops from 2000, now get into mature period. How to effectively retain user is a challenge to online game companies in the future. This study bases on Customer Switching Model of Keaveny. In this study, we reconsider several key factors influencing online game users switching behaviors, including satisfaction, regret, switching barriers, usage characteristics, usage behaviors and reference groups. We ask subjects to answer the questionnaire in the network, and the data collected from 573 effective samples are analyzed by ANOVA analysis. The major findings of the study are (1) There are some distinction between online game users and users of general services and products. The Core Services are significant both on satisfaction and regret. Pricing, Inconvenient and Service Encounter are just significant on regret. Time switching costs is the only switching barrier for online game users. (2) Online game users with different usage experiments, the evaluations of satisfaction, regret and switching barriers are different. (3) No matter the substantial reference groups or virtual reference groups, the identification influence significantly affects online game user. Finally, some suggestion and marketing strategies are provided in this study.


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