  • 學位論文


The Organizational Transformation and Challenges of State-run Companies in Taiwan: Model from Chinese Petroleum Corporation

指導教授 : 郭敏珣


一個體質健全的組織,本質上應為一種具多重目標和功能,並與環境維持著多面性良好互動與互賴關係,才能找到適合其生存與發展的利基(陳朝福,2003)。而背負沉重歷史包袱的國營事業組織,在時間與效益的雙重壓力下,不得不做組織轉型,但究竟應採取革命式(revolutionary)組織轉型,即強調「重新設計房子或拆掉房子重蓋」的「創造性破壞」(creative destruction)(Schumpeter,1934),例如民營化,可能承擔招致組織內部強大抗拒,使組織蒙受巨大傷害的高風險策略?或是選擇「在原有房子內搬動家具或者丟掉老舊或多餘家具」的漸進式組織變遷,例如企業化,以降低轉型風險?這是見仁見智的問題。 國營事業組織該如何轉型,達到創造社會附加價值與滿足利益社群需求之實質貢獻,並在順應社會規範與文化價值之前提下,積極主動創造機會、爭取利益社群的支持、維持與環境長期均衡的互動關係、取得組織生存與發展所需的關鍵資源,達成其經營使命及目標?本研究在未排除「民營化」為國營事業組織轉型選項之一的情況下,獲致研究發現如下: 1.環境變遷與組織轉型具關聯性。而組織轉型是在一個複雜的環境中運作,與環境具有一定之互動關係,環境變遷對企業之經營產生衝擊與危機,企業為求經營生存發展,必須審慎選擇有效之組織轉型策略,執行組織改造工程,以滿足環境需求,確保產品、市場競爭優勢或成功跨入其他產業,以維持企業獲利成長,達到長遠經營目標。 2.組織因應環境變遷不論採取主動或被動轉型,企業領導人的專業能力為影響組織轉型之關鍵因素。 3.「民營化」是國營事業組織轉型的一種方式,卻不是唯一選擇。政府應考量中油公司肩負之社會責任及油品能源之重要性,減少政策干預、法令鬆綁。換言之,國營事業即使未完成「民營化」,但在面對市場競爭壓力下,仍可以透過自省,達到組織效率之提高。 4.影響國營事業組織轉型之關鍵因素,包括:勞資關係、組織經營體質、經營團隊能力、領導者、政府政策及法令、企業文化、政府授權、溝通、資訊整合、員工參與、激勵制度及作業流程等。 5.「非民營化」之組織轉型方式,對於降低國營事業面臨之挑戰與危機,影響顯著。 一樣的「企業化」,在公民營事業施行的結果與成效卻不相同,這是因為各企業經營目標、組織架構,領導人的策略思维及必須承擔的社會責任截然不同。雖然,影響國營事業組織轉型成效之因素很多,但最重要的還是「人」的部分,因此,領導人與經營團隊必須以民營企業之靈活經營策略、良好激勵制度及確實執行效率,創造員工工作價值與建立正確工作態度,藉以改善國營事業經營體質,追求未來成長與發展。而在後續研究建議上,包括領導人、經營團隊、股東、員工、消費者及其他利益團體等利害關係人的相互關聯性,若能深入探究應可發現其間之變數及因果關係。 關鍵字: 組織轉型(Organizational Transformation, OT)、組織變革(Organizational Change)、私有化(privatization)


An organization with a sound constitution should have multiple objectives and functions, and keep good multilateral touch as well as interdependence relationship with environment, then it will find the way to develop and exist. State-run companies have heavily historical burden, so they need to do organizational transformation under the pressure of time and benefit. But how to choose the method will be an issue, that is, should we take revolutionary organizational transformation which emphasize “creative destruction” like privatization, and it maybe cause strong resistance? Or should we evolutionary organizational transformation like enterprise to decrease the risk of organizational transformation? It has different views on this issue. How the state-run organizations transform could not only create social additional value and satisfy the needs of communities, but also create opportunities, win support of communities, keep the balance with environment, get the key resource which organizations need and obtain the operating objection? This research found something without exclude privatization as below: 1.The change of environment has great relation to organizational transformation. Because organizational transformation is operating in a complicated environment, so they are related to each other. The change of environment will produce risk and exert a great influence to the management of enterprises, so enterprises should choose the strategy carefully, execute organization reform to satisfy the needs of environment, and make sure that it could keep the advantage of products to obtain the long-manage objection. 2.Whether the organizational transformation is active or passive, the professional ability of enterprise leader is the key element. 3.“Privatization” is a way of state-run enterprises’ organizational transformation, but it’s not only way. The government should consider the social responsibility of CPC and the importance of oil resource, and decrease the intervention of policy as well as law. In another word, state-run enterprises still can increase the efficiency by introspection. 4.The key elements of state-run enterprises’ organizational transformation include the relations between labor and capital, the management constitution of organization, the ability of management team, leader, government policy and law, enterprise culture, government authorization, communication, information arrangement, employees participance, incentive institution and production procedures etc.. 5.Organizational transformation of “Non-privatitzation” has great influence on decreasing the challenges and risk of state-run enterprises. The processes of “enterprise” are the same, but the results of all state-run and private enterprises are different. It’s due to the difference of enterprise operating objectives, organizational framework, the strategy of leader and social responsibility they should undertake. Although there are many factors that influence organizational transformation, the most important part is “people”. Therefore, the leader and the management team should use flexible operating strategy of private enterprises, good incentive institution and executive efficiency to create work value and establish correct work attitude, then improve the management constitution of state-run enterprises as well as seek the growth and development. In the follow-up suggestion, included the relationship of leaders, management teams, stockholders, employees, consumers and the other interest groups, if we could study more deeply, we will find the variables and causal relationship between them. Key Words: Organizational Transformation, Organizational Change, privatization


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