  • 學位論文


An Analysis of the Dissemination and Succession of Production Knowledge and Technique of Mechanic ntrepreneurs: A Case Study of the Production Techniques of the Head Manufacturing Business

指導教授 : 潘美玲


台灣中小企業一直是台灣產業經濟進步的原動力,與現今的高科技產業相比之下,廉價的勞動力與機動的工時一直是為人所津津樂道的。但是這兩項並無法讓「Made in Taiwan」的品質掛保證。經過多年來的代工經驗,台灣中小企業逐步走出自己的一方天地,探索最終的原因,在於台灣中小企業驚人創造力,這創造力來自於頭家對產品、對製程的模仿、改造。從做中學、從使用中創新,台灣的中小企業一步步走出自己的一片天。 在工廠發展之初,資金與技術都是影響工廠是否成功創業的因素,若技術如無法繼續深化,將使工廠就只是利基的追隨者,無法創造出最大利潤,如何要創新自身的技術,外部的刺激相當重要,受外部的刺激再吸收內化成頭家內部的進步創新動力。技術知識也是經由網絡一步步地傳授出去,不僅在網絡中學習新知,頭家也在不同的網絡參訪中,進一步地思考未來企業轉型創新的方向。 國內對於黑手頭家的研究多停留在創業的階段與頭家角色為主,對於黑手頭家的技術傳衍、擴散的部分並無著墨,故本研究以端板頭家的技術知識的流動網絡來看中小企業,在技術移轉、取得方式不健全的方式下,是如何逐步建立起自身的技術,並從使用中開始,創新屬於自己的一套技術知識。並且藉由人際關係的網絡方式,透過不公開的方式將技術傳衍、擴散出去,在過程中展現出中小企業不為人知的一面。


Taiwan's small/medium size manufacturing businesses have always been a catalyst of advancement for the industrial component of Taiwan’s economy. In contrast to Taiwan’s high-tech industries, small/medium size manufacturing businesses enjoy cheaper and more flexible work hours which many believe are the primary reasons for their success. However, these two factors alone cannot guarantee the success or the quality of "Made in Taiwan" products. Many of Taiwan’s small/medium size businesses began after several years of sub-contracting for larger manufacturers. This sub-contracting experience has provided a critical platform for the success of many of Taiwan’s small/medium size businesses. From years of sub-contracting experience, Taiwan’s small/medium businesses have learned to duplicate production techniques and modify and improve upon them. Through this process of duplication, modification and refinement, Taiwan’s small/medium size businesses gradually start to develop their own field. In the early stages of a manufacturing business, both the capital and production technique are essential to determining the success of the business. Where a business does not continue to improve its production technique, it will only maintain its current profit margin – not maximum profit. In this way, outside influence is vital to the continuing development of production technique. This enables entrepreneurs to absorb existing production techniques and over the course of time develop and integrate their own innovations and refinements to the production process for the initiation of their own businesses. As improvements and innovations to production techniques are developed, they will be disseminated through the network of manufacturers in the industry. Through this network, entrepreneurs are afforded not only the opportunity to learn and further develop production techniques, but also the chance to apply them toward different applications and in new directions. In Taiwan, studies of mechanic entrepreneurs have primarily focused upon the start up of the business and entrepreneur’s role in the start up. There has been little discussion of the succession, dissemination and expansion of production techniques by mechanic entrepreneurs. Accordingly, this research paper examines the transfer and development of technical knowledge by mechanic entrepreneurs in the Head industry. In addition, this paper explores the largely unknown role of interpersonal relationships and informal networks in the transfer, expansion and refinement of production techniques within the Head industry.




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