  • 學位論文


A Study of Diffusion of Innovation in Storytelling with Interactive Digital Media

指導教授 : 李其瑋


近年來以說故事方式進行教學啟發兒童的活動越來越頻繁,業界甚至設立以說故事為產品之經營空間場所「故事屋」。目前「故事屋」說故事的活動方式主要是透過說故事人以「口說肢體表演」輔以簡單教具傳達故事內容予閱聽者(兒童)。現今互動媒體發展已趨成熟,藉由具有遊戲性質之互動媒體引導閱聽者融入故事情境裡,並結合聽覺與視覺感官去體驗精采的口述故事。 本研究以創新傳佈(Diffusion of Innovation)為理論基礎,運用其中「新事物」元素的相對利益、相容性、複雜性、可試驗性、可觀察性及創新傳佈中「人」元素的創新者、早期採用者論點,探討互動科技媒體應用於說故事活動之傳佈過程對於故事屋組織之影響,並觀察新事物之使用者特質與行為。本研究發現:(1)互動科技媒體導入之接受過程影響與創新傳佈「新事物」元素之特性相符合;(2)故事屋組織之「互動媒體故事」使用者(組織管理者與說故事人)具有創新、勇於嘗試新事物之個人特質,此特質有利於落實新事物之傳佈;(3)使用者(兒童)對「互動媒體故事」的當下行為表現反應,在互動過程中兒童較專注聆聽,不易受同儕干擾,說故事人易控制整場活動之進行;(4)「互動媒體故事」有助於故事屋之專業形象建立與產品差異化。


In recent years it is more and more popular to use storytelling as an educational method to inspire children. Story house delivers the story to the children mainly through the storyteller’s oral language and body performances with simple teaching tools. Since the development of interactive media technology has grown to maturity, the incorporation of playful interactive media to storytelling leads the audience into the story with their hearing and visual senses and successfully makes their experience more vivid and interesting. Based on the theory of diffusion of innovation, this research uses the five characteristics in “innovation”: relative advantage, compatibility, trailability, observability, and two characteristics in “adopters”: innovators and early adopters. The research aims at investigating the influence of story house on how interactive media storytelling spreads, and observes the behaviours of the innovation adopters. It is concluded that: (1) The acceptance process of interactive media in story houses complies to the five characteristics in “innovation”. (2) The operator of interactive media storytelling (storyteller/director) has the feature of innovativeness and the wiliness to try new things, which helps the spread of innovation. (3) Because of the attention and concentration children pay to interactive media storytelling, it is easier for storyteller to control the process of the activity. (4) Interactive media storytelling helps the establishment of a professional story house and product differentiation.


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