  • 學位論文


Inquire into from the desire city that male Thai foreign worker's sex need satisfies mode

指導教授 : 陳燕禎


政府自1992年正式引進外籍勞工迄今,多元的異國文化就不斷地呈現在我們生活的週邊,間接地影響著台灣社會的樣貌。桃園縣為全國最多外勞人口的縣市,當36萬多名正值年輕力壯的外籍勞工進入台灣社會後,隨之而來的性需求問題卻是我們應見卻選擇視而未見。性需求是人類自然之本能,本研究以性需求滿足模式為議題,探討男性泰籍勞工在性需求滿足過程中,其所處的社會階層、文化衝突、休閒模式、金錢等因素,對性需求滿足模式所產生的不同轉換模式。 本研究採質化研究之深度訪談法,共計訪談12名相關人員,包括男性泰籍勞工10名、仲介從業人員2名,冀望由訪談結果建構出男性泰籍勞工性需求滿足之模式,本研究之結果發現有下列四點:1.休閒與宗教活動對男性泰籍勞工的性需求滿足方式的抑制性有限。2.男性泰籍勞工在從事性需求滿足的過程中,「金錢」是最重要的關鍵因素。3.男性泰籍勞工在性需求的資訊獲得上,欠缺自我判斷與尋找正確資訊之能力與管道,易受同儕錯誤資訊所誤導。4.男性泰籍勞工在台灣性需求滿足方式可分為:色情影音的個體滿足、娛樂場所的他體滿足、嫖妓方式的他體滿足、F.T.O情愛關係的他體滿足、婚姻方式的他體滿足。 本研究建議為:1.政府方面應保障外籍勞工之基本人權、強化外籍勞工之性教育、增列仲介公司對外籍勞工生理需求服務之評鑑指標。2.雇主方面以建立友善的勞雇關係、週延休閒暨宗教活動之規劃、建立外籍勞工意見溝通平台。3.仲介業者方面以提昇仲介人員之專業知能、深化外籍勞工服務管道。本研究以桃園縣地區為研究區域,未來在學術引用上須加以留意。


Since Taiwan government formally introduced foreign labors in 1992, the diverse cultures brought in by the imported workers have covertly influenced our society. It is estimated that there are more than 360,000 foreign labors working in Taiwan. They are young and vigorous. These young aliens’ emotional needs for sex have been deliberately overlooked socially and academically. This study intends to develop a sexual satisfaction model that explores potential factors influencing the fulfillment of foreign labors’ sexual needs. Factors including social status, cultural tensions, modes of recreation are incorporated in the research model. Thai male labors were used as research subjects. A qualitative approach was used in collecting and analyzing data. Data was collecting through interviewing with 10 Thai male labors and 2 foreign manpower agents. The results of this study are as follows. First, the availability of recreational and religious activities has little effect on the ease of sex emotion. Secondly, financial ability plays the most important role in determining whether the male foreign labors could fulfill their sex needs. Thirdly, foreign labors depend heavily on their colleagues to provide information associated sex services even though the information is usually misled and incorrect. Lastly, four modes of sex fulfillment are identified: masturbating by watching porn, attending night clubs, going wenching, F.T.O, and having sex with his spouse. This research has the following suggestions: First, the government should guard against foreign labor’s fundamental human rights by providing more sex education and regulating manpower agencies to provide adequate services for sexual needs. Secondly, the employers should strive for the establishment of a good employer-employee relationship, the provision of a thorough scheme for recreational and religious activities, and the availability of communication conduits through which the foreign labors can air their voice. Lastly, the agents should make efforts to enhance their know-how in order to provide superior service quality. This research only interviewed a few foreign labors in Taoyuan County, cautions need to be taken when interpreting the results.


陳啟光、顧忠興、李元墩、于長禧(2003)。(從跨文化觀點探討外籍勞工管理制度之建構─以塑化業泰籍勞工為例),《人力資源管理學報 》,夏季號第3卷第2期,頁68。


