  • 學位論文


How T.V. Has Influenced The Older Generation’s Recreational and Social Intercourse

指導教授 : 陳燕禎


自1993年,台灣就已經成為聯合國定義的高齡化國家,除老化的問題已經引起社會大眾的關注,老人的休閒生活也倍受重視。本研究旨在暸解並分析不同背景老人選擇看電視的因素,並探究在觀看電視時間長短、頻率、節目型態的因素影響之下,分析對老人身心健康及人際互動的影響,並建構出適合不同年齡層的休閒生活模式。本研究採質化研究的深度訪談法,並選擇以桃園縣地區為研究範圍,共訪談對象有14位老人,訪談對象分為年輕老人、中老人、老老人三個年齡層。 本研究結果為:1.老人對電視的依賴以「訊息依賴」為最強,其中年輕老人趨向「社交娛樂」依賴;中老人趨向「社會理解」依賴;老老人趨向「情感依賴」;2.在休閒生活型態方面,年輕老人為健康化的休閒生活,以運動強身為主;中老人為服務化的休閒生活,以社會服務為主;老老人則是居家化的休閒生活,以居家活動為主;3.本研究並建構出觀看電視的型態會影響老人人際互動的型態,分別為熱衷不已型、生活必需型、偶而為之型。其中以生活必需型最為普遍。最後根據本研究結果提出建議為首先政府應積極推廣老人休閒教育,提高公共電視健康休閒節目的內容比例;再者老人對自我休閒活動應有「自覺」,並預先規劃,且家屬要多鼓勵老人走出戶外參加活動;社區團體方面則需要扮演老人、家庭與政府之間溝通的橋樑,提供暢通的學習資訊管道。


Since 1993, the United Nations has defined Taiwan as a society with an aging population. People do not only take notice of Floridisation but also think that our elder’s leisure activities are important. The primary purpose of this research is to analyze why the elderly, of different backgrounds, choose to get information from watching T.V. The second purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of T.V. on the older generation’s physical and mental health, based on how often and how long the aged watch T.V., and also what type of television program they watched. In addition, we want to analyze the interpersonal relationships among the elderly. From this analysis, we can define how different levels of age are suited to different types of recreation. We used qualitative, in-depth interviews to survey 14 elderly people in Taoyuan. We have divided this group into three sub-groups which are 50-60 years old, 60-70 years old, and over 70 years old. The first result of this research deals with how the elderly choose to get new information from watching T.V. The 50-60 year old group tends to get “social play” information from the T.V. The 60-70 year old group tends to get “social understanding” information from the T.V. Among the third group, the elderly tend to get “emotional dependency” information from the T.V. The second result of this research deals with how the different groups have different leisure activities. The first group (50-60) uses exercise as their leisure activity to improve their fitness. The second group (60-70) tends to serve people as their leisure activities. The third group use home-based activities as their leisure activities. The third result of this research deals with how the action of watching television is able to affect the condition of the older generation’s interpersonal interaction. Moreover, we can categorize these activities among the elderly into three different types, which are “habitual activity”, “daily necessary activity” and “occasional activity”. Among these three types, in general, more people choose to do “daily necessary activity”. In conclusion, the government should actively popularize the leisure activities of theelderly. First of all, the government should increase the number of television programs concerning healthy leisure activities. Second, the elderly should have a leisure activity plan and they should choose for themselves the most suitable leisure activities. Third, families should encourage their elders to attend and participate in outdoor activities.The community association needs to act as a bridge between the older generation, the family and the government.The community association should provide the unimpeded learning information pipeline.


曹琬凌(2007)。〈英國兒少節目,2007年全面禁止垃圾食品廣告〉,《PTS NEXT季刊》,第7期,頁2-3。


