  • 學位論文

The Effects of Website Quality on Online Browse Intention and E-loyalty

The Effects of Website Quality on Online Browse Intention and E-loyalty

指導教授 : 陳家祥


More and more companies strive to create complete and wonderful website quality to their consumers. Furthermore, some studies begin discussing the effects and implications of website quality on the virtual environment. However, there are few studies put the focus on quality of online browse intention. This study suggests that managers can adopt website quality elements to design consumers’ virtual experiences. In addition, this study indicates four important elements --- pleasure, trust, design, and presentation quality---of website quality and demonstrates the effects on the website quality toward the online browse intention. In order to examine the framework, this study designs a questionnaire and collects 524 samples via an online survey system. The study uses AMOS 5.0 to estimate the structure model. The results indicate that pleasure, trust, design and presentation quality are all have positive effects on online browse intention. And online browse intention also has positive effect on E-loyalty.


More and more companies strive to create complete and wonderful website quality to their consumers. Furthermore, some studies begin discussing the effects and implications of website quality on the virtual environment. However, there are few studies put the focus on quality of online browse intention. This study suggests that managers can adopt website quality elements to design consumers’ virtual experiences. In addition, this study indicates four important elements --- pleasure, trust, design, and presentation quality---of website quality and demonstrates the effects on the website quality toward the online browse intention. In order to examine the framework, this study designs a questionnaire and collects 524 samples via an online survey system. The study uses AMOS 5.0 to estimate the structure model. The results indicate that pleasure, trust, design and presentation quality are all have positive effects on online browse intention. And online browse intention also has positive effect on E-loyalty.


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