  • 學位論文


Research of Call Center Interactive Voice Response System and Operation

指導教授 : 詹前隆


近年銀行業界逐漸意識到銷售是服務的結果,客服中心的功用不僅在於服務客戶,更可進一步創造利潤,因此客服中心逐漸成為銀行業競爭的工具之一。當客戶致電客服中心時,首先服務客戶的就是互動語音應答系統(Interactive Voice Response system, IVR),因此客服中心之IVR系統建置以及營運對其成敗佔了舉足輕重的角色。綜觀目前對IVR系統使用之評估,鮮少針對系統使用之各個變數進行進一步分析,故本研究蒐集銀行客服中心線上營運資料分析其使用情形,識別IVR系統中客戶操作之服務類別以及轉接專人對各項時間與操作變數之顯著關係,並探討其中各項服務類別之使用趨勢以及影響客戶轉接專人之因素,由其中發掘可能之問題,而後據以提出改善及管理建議,以提供客服中心在硬體資源配置、人員調配及IVR設計之參考。本研究以服務類別、服務型態及轉接專人三類依變數及時間及操作兩類自變數分析,分析結果時間變數對IVR服務確有相關,且可得出各服務類別之使用趨勢;而操作變數分析結果發現IVR系統操作過程與最後服務結果亦確有相關,亦可得出操作對服務結果之趨勢,特別是對轉接專人之結果。


Banking business has been realized that marketing depends on the quality and result of their service. The functionality of call center is not only providing service to their customers, but also creating profit for banks. When a customer makes a phone call to a call center, Interactive Voice Response system(IVR) will be the first service to serve the customer, therefore the construction and operating of IVR determining the achievement of the call center. To make a comprehensive survey of IVR service analysis procedure found that less analysis procedure is designed to be aimed at analysing each variables of IVR systems, so this research collects data from on-line database of IVR to analysis the real IVR operating situation. This research identified the relationship between variables and behavior, the variables includes time variables and operation variables, and the behavior includes each service type, especially the behavior of route to customer service agent. This research also to probe into the trend of IVR operation and the factor that causes the behavior of route to agent, explored the possible question among them, and then propose improving and managing suggestions to offer the call center in resource distribution of the hardware、personnel allocating and IVR design.This research uses three kind of dependent-variables:Service Type、Service Category and Route to Agent,and two kind of dependent variables: time and operation to analysis. The conclusion shows that time variables will effect the IVR services, and operational variables also effect the result of IVR services, especially on the behavior of Route to Agent.


Call Center Interactive Voice Response IVR


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