  • 學位論文


An Ethnographical Study on the Intercultural Communication Competence (ICC) of Migrant Workers in Taiwan

指導教授 : 柯宜中


跨文化溝通能力在二十一世紀是日趨重要的一種能力,因為人們有更多機會與其他不同文化背景的人一起讀書、工作、或生活。跨文化溝通能力是指溝通者在跨文化溝通過程中,需要對異文化有足夠的背景知識、有正面的態度,以及對自我文化的認知與覺醒。 本研究的目的在探討移工們的跨文化溝通能力是如何發展。本研究採用參與者觀察法,觀察五位移工(三位越南籍、兩位泰國籍) 在工作上的跨文化溝通狀況。並在假日參與移工們的聚會,由閒聊中了解他們在離開工作場域的跨文化溝通狀況。最後採取半結構式訪談,深入了解其成長背景及人生經驗,並釐清研究者在觀察中所產生的一些問題。 結果顯示,影響這些移工們的跨文化溝通能力的要素有:內在要素(個性、動機)、目標語語言能力、及外在因素(個人經驗、他人的態度)。內在要素在發展初期扮演重要關鍵。而目標語語言能力在整個發展過程中是個轉捩點,一旦移工們的語言能力達到可和他人溝通的目的後,其跨文化溝通能力會加速發展。接著藉由和他人的溝通及自我的探索,進而累積更多的個人經驗,豐富其文化背景知識。而外在因素中,他人對這些移工們的態度會影響他們跨文化溝通能力的發展。 總結而言,他人態度對跨文化溝通能力的影響甚巨,影響移工們的發展是進步、減緩、或停滯。所以本研究建議(1)仲介或公司應該在移工們來台前或來台後初期,提供移工們目標語的課程,使他們能夠儘快通過發展過程中的轉捩點這一個環節;(2)台灣的政府單位應多宣導需尊重不同族群的觀念;(3)在學校教育裡,應從小培養學生的跨文化溝通能力。幫助學生了解自身的文化、提升對自我文化的認同、了解文化間的差異、接受他人與自己不同的價值觀或規範。


Intercultural communication competence (ICC) is an increasingly important competence in the 21st century since people have more opportunities to study, work, or live with people from a different cultural background. ICC involves a communication process that communicators usually have awareness in nature of cultures, positive attitudes to other cultures, and then have sufficient background knowledge about different cultures. This research attempts to explore the development of ICC of five migrant workers in Taiwan (three Vietnamese migrant workers and two Thai migrant workers) using participant observation. Intercultural communication process of migrant workers was observed regularly in the work place. In addition, researcher attended their gatherings on Sundays; their intercultural communication process after work was accessed by informal conversations. Semi-structured interviews were used to understand their growth backgrounds and personal experiences; some questions occurred during the observation phase were clarified through these interviews. Results of this research showed that the factors influenced their development of ICC were: internal factors (personality, motivation), target language ability, and external factors (personal experiences, others’ attitude). Internal factors played an important role in the beginning of the development, since personality would influence their development of ICC. Target language ability was a turning point in the development. After migrant workers’ target language ability allowed them to communicate with others in the daily life, their development of ICC would speed up. Further, they dare to communicate with others and explore the outside world more often; they could accumulate their personal experiences and enrich their cultural background knowledge. Finally, local people’s attitude toward these migrant workers would affect their development of ICC. In conclusion, others’ attitude influences ICC very huge. Therefore, this study suggests that: (1) Agencies of introducing migrant workers to Taiwanese employers should offer target language courses to migrant workers before they came to Taiwan. Companies should offer these courses to them in the beginning phase after they came to Taiwan to help these migrant workers pass the turning point quickly. (2) Taiwan’s government should promote esteem for other ethnic groups. (3) For pedagogical implications, the ICC should be cultivated in children. Teachers should help students to understand their own culture, to develop identification about their own culture, and to accept an idea that everyone has different values and norms.


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