  • 學位論文


Exploring Children on Acceptance to Mobile-Learning of English E-book Usage and Effect Research

指導教授 : 陳志萍


自2007年亞馬遜 (Amazon.com, Inc.)發表Kindle,電子書市場開始邁向成長期,2010年蘋果公司 (Apple Inc.)搭配完整服務價值鏈推出ipad,更將電子書熱潮推向高峰;而今年也是台灣「電子書元年」,經濟部提出兩年1億元補助,鼓勵業者多多投入電子書的市場應用與服務。電子書帶給學術界與產業界無限想像,世界各國也相繼推動「教育科技」,開始思考如何利用電子書既有的技術與產品,來打造未來的教育環境。 電子書的閱讀行為是透過資訊科技作為媒介,因此使用電子書是一種資訊科技的採用。在科技接受行為研究領域中,已發展出相當多的理論摸式,但各理論模式的構念、變數以及因果關係卻各有不同。因此,本研究將各理論模式作一回顧整理,並配合電子書之特性,以性別差異的觀點切入,篩選出適合本研究之理論架構。以Venkatesh 等學者的整合性科技接受與使用理論 (Unified Theory of Acceptance & Use of Technology, UTAUT)為理論基礎,結合實驗研究法,檢視國小三年級兒童接受與使用英語電子書於行動學習之意願與可行性,並將所蒐集的資料逐一進行比較分析。 研究結果顯示,英語電子書採用因素中,「績效期望」其顯著性高於「努力期望」、「社會影響」與「語言學習認知」,顯示兒童採用英語電子書最主要是希望能因此提升英文學習成效,甚至高過師長、父母或是同儕間的影響,且男童較女童也會表現出較高的自我效能期望。最後,本研究認為科技教育的關鍵點並不在提供兒童先進的硬體設備,而在於藉由行動資訊科技與教學作結合來突破傳統的時間與空間的侷限,讓學習拓展至每個角落。同時,揭示資訊科技在學習歷程中扮演的只是工具性角色,讓學習更簡便,而提升學習效果更重要的因素來自於兒童自身的學習動機以及學習意願。


E-book market has been rapidly growing since Amazon published Kindle in 2007 while Apple has pushed e-book to the high peak once it released ipad with complete service value chain in 2010. Taiwan government also gives weight to e-book development and promotion by naming 2010 “The First Year of E-book” in which Ministry of Economic Affairs promises to subsidize 100 million in two years so as to encourage industries to plunge into e-book market applications and services. E-book brings about boundless imagination to academia and industry worldwide, and they’ve kept advocating the idea of “educational technology” where the main core is how to take advantage of existing technology and products of e-book for the sake of creating a brand-new educational environment in the future. Because e-book reading behavior is as a medium through information technology, using e-books is a sort of adoption of information technology. Therefore, this research collates related theories of E-learning and M-learning in the past few years in Taiwan. As these theoretical frameworks mentioned above, we can also survey children’s attitudes in accepting and using e-books and the feasibilities of expending e-books in children’s learning. This research is for the one who is interested in this topic reference. There have been numerous theoretical models developed in the area of technology acceptance behavior. However, the concepts, the variables and the causalities of each theoretical model are different. That’s why we are going to clarify all these theoretical models, and then filter out integration models including Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) suitable for this research with the property of e-book. We argue that the key point of e-learning is not providing advanced hardware to kids. It is essential to understand how to break the limitation of time and space through the combination of mobile information technology and situational teaching so as to let every kid gain a chance to learn is the essential part of mobile-learning.


UTAUT E-book Mobile Learning Self- regulated Learning TAM




