  • 學位論文


Clusterwise Regression-Based Self-Organizing Map and Its Application to Visualized Clustering of Wafer Test Data

指導教授 : 范治民


半導體晶圓廠有非常複雜的製程步驟,以線上製程資訊對生產線終端測試數據建模為全廠製程監控(Fab-wide Process Control)以及製程良率提升非常重要的議題。生產線終端測試數據建模往往會碰到測試數據中存在著多重模式的挑戰,已經有研究提出以叢聚式迴歸(Clusterwise Linear Regression;CLR)建模的技術。然而,CLR演算法必須要預先得知資料的分群數目才能發揮其效能,且在多維度的資料型態很難呈現分群結果。本研究提出以叢聚迴歸為基之自組織映射圖網路(CLR-based Self-Organizing Map;CLR-SOM)針對多維度資料型態以視覺化的方式呈現分群結果,並提供良率工程師進行更精確分群建模所需要的相關資訊。 CLR-SOM網路主要有四個程序:(1)起始程序、(2)競爭程序、(3)合作程序以及(4)適應程序。並有三個加強CLR-SOM分群效能的方法:(1)重生、(2)軟性分群以及(3)模式間相似度調整。CLR-SOM演算法產生U-Matrix圖以視覺化的方式呈現分群結果,並可由分群結果得到分群數目、重要因子、模式的迴歸係數以及資料點對應各模式的歸屬機率。設計平行以及交叉的資料模式類型進行CLR-SOM模擬實驗,結果得到CLR-SOM的分群效能遠優於原始的SOM網路,特別是針對多重模式間距離很小的時候效能更優於原始SOM網路。實際半導體資料驗證顯示CLR-SOM偵測出此筆晶圓測試數據存在多重模式,並且尋找出隱藏因子進而將資料分群促進良率工程師診斷製程良率過低的根源。


In semiconductor manufacturing with hundreds of processing steps, modeling of end-of-line wafer test data with respect to in-line manufacturing data plays a key role to successful fab-wide process control and yield enhancement. In the past few years, Clusterwise Linear Regression (CLR) techniques have been applied to cope with the challenge that there are usually multiple models manifested on end-of-line wafer test data. However, the execution of CLR not only needs a pre-determined number of clusters but is also difficult to interpret the clusters in multi-dimensional space. This thesis proposes a visualized clustering technique, CLR-based Self-Organizing Map (CLR-SOM), to efficiently determine the number of clusters in multi-dimensional data and provides engineers the within-cluster information for detailed modeling. The main procedure of CLR-SOM consists of four parts: Initialization, Competition, Cooperation and Adaptation. To further improve the CLR-SOM performance, three novel methods are developed: model reborn, soft clustering and the cluster-similarity adjustment. The outputs of CLR-SOM is a visualized clustering graph from U-Matrix, which is able to provide the number of clusters and within-cluster information such as the critical factors, regression coefficients and data membership. Simulation studies are conducted on parallel and cross models respectively. Results show that CLR-SOM has better performance than standard SOM, especially when the differences among individual models are small. Fab data validation demonstrates that CLR-SOM not only successfully detects multiple clusters manifested on wafer test data but also identifies a hidden variable to distinguish different clusters and facilitate engineers diagnose the root cause of low yield data.


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