  • 學位論文


Fire Scene Restore and Analysis for the Impact of Thick Smoke to the Townhouse in Tao Yuan

指導教授 : 林誠興


在台灣長久以來火災事故的發生中,就以住宅型的火災發生的比率是最高的,而這裡面包含了很多的早期違規加蓋的鐵皮屋建築,雖然這些年以來台灣的經濟已經十分的繁榮,可是在各個鄉鎮或是大都會中,依然有許許多多這一類型的建築物存在,常常沒有做完整的規劃,在加上電線老舊或使用不當,而巷弄的狹小或是巷弄內停滿了車輛,在有火災發生的時候,以台灣人口如此的密集的情況下,就會導致重大的人員傷亡和財產的損失。 本次研究案例以民國98年桃園永安路鐵皮屋相連透天民宅為本次的研究對象,而發生起火的鐵皮屋內易燃物品太多,因發生火災的地方為鐵皮屋,屋內裝潢多為輕建材隔間,以致於火勢沒有辦法有效的阻隔,因而造成火災延燒非常的迅速。使用了「FDS」這一套軟體,應用場模式的方式來模擬火災當時火場中的一些物理現象,進而探討當時火場中熱之傳遞現象、煙的流向、氣層上層的溫度、CO 的濃度變化,並且對於當時主要影響火場之因素,來進行各種不同參數改變。


場模式 火災 FDS


For long period in Taiwan, the highest occurrence rate in fire accidents is the housing fire, in which including many early illegal iron-covered room construction, although recent years Taiwan's economy already very prosperous, but there are still many buildings of this type existing in each village and town perhaps the metropolis as well. For the lack of complete renew plan and the electric wire is obsolete or improper use of electric device, besides this, the lane is narrow and small that always filled with vehicles, if a fire occurred in this crowded situation, it will cause the significant personnel casualties and property losses. This research is taking a townhouse fire with its iron-sheet room connection occurred in 2009 on Yongan road, Tao-Yuan city as the object case. The iron-sheet room is the fire origin, due to a lot of combustible materials filled in the room and indoor decoration used light materials compartments, so that the fire intensity cannot be stopped effectively and spread out rapidly. Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) software has been used for field model simulation of some physical phenomenon in the fire scene, then to discuss, at that time in the scene, the transmission of heat phenomenon, the smoke flow to, the upper air-layer temperature, the CO density change, and the major effect factor of regarding at that time to carry on each kind of different parameter change.


Field Model Fire FDS


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