  • 學位論文


The effects of political attitude and internet usage on social participation among N generation students.

指導教授 : 曾淑芬


Putnam(2000)觀察自1970年到1990年的選舉投票率以及社團組織的參與度下降的情況,尤其是年輕族群在參與情形遞減程度更為明顯。因此,Putnam提出參與率減緩的可能性在於世代的轉換、個人主義興起,以及個人花費在電子娛樂上的時間增多;然而,Putnam在最後提出參與率下降的原因,並非是民眾不參與而是參與形式和過去的樣貌有所不同。再者,近幾年發生重大自然災害,或是遊行抗爭,除了透過實體生活提出行動外,同時也透過網路一同加入活動參與。此外,個人在進行公民參與時,會受到對於政治信任程度或是對於政治冷漠度影響,因此,本研究探究N世代族群的政治態度、以及網路使用行為,對於在公民參與上有何影響,以了解N世代在公民參與行為是否和過去參與模式不同。 本研究以元智大學大學生為母群體共蒐集到617份有效樣本進行分析。在研究中將公民參與分為實體意識、實體動員、線上號召以及線上動員四種類型,研究發現參與公眾事務區分為兩種情況:政治信任度較高,會透過實體去瞭解公眾事務相關議題。然而,在對於政治態度上較為疏離,則不會去參與公民參與活動。在網路使用行為上,對於實體動員並無影響,但在網路上使用Blog、BBS、瀏覽新聞以及發表文章的次數越多,越會在網路上邀請他人一同參與公眾事務。 對於N世代的網路使用越多,參與公眾事務活動的頻率也就越多。然而,網路對於N世代族群在進行公民參與上為驅使的角色,但無法取代N世代在公眾參與的模式。對於N世代的公眾參與行為,如同Putnam所提出參與模式不再侷限於過去實體上,也可透過網路進行參與行動,但整體的參與率並未具有明顯的增長。


This study aims at studying the effects of internet usage in young generation on their social participation. Putnam (2000) found social participation and civic engagement in young generation has declined since 1970s and suggested they might have different ways of participating social affairs, i.e. online participation. The first purpose of this research is to explore how N generation differs on political attitude toward government and social affairs. Moreover, as more of N generation becomes active internet users, the second purpose of this study is to explore how the usages of internet relate to their social participation. A total of 617 college students represent the N generation was surveyed in this study. The results suggest those who had show more trust of politics would also had higher political consciousness in real world. Those who were apathetic toward politics also show less interests in political activities. Internet usages did not show any effects on social mobilization in real world. However, the results do show those who were more active on blog, BBS and read/post articles do participate more political activities online. In all, this study confirms Putnam’s arguments on less social participation in young generation in real world, alternatively, they transform their social participation online, via blog, BBS writing and read/post articles to reflect their concerns of civic affairs.


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