  • 學位論文


Parameter design in Kinect somatosensory of throw ball game for upper limb motor performance

指導教授 : 孫天龍




Many actions in daily life must be through the upper extremity lifting and stretching to perform an action, the long term improper use or poor posture, likely to cause upper limb shoulder pain, by way of rehabilitation therapy to increase the upper limb movements and strength training, but the traditional treatmentFun lengthy through Kinect allows users to naturally, easily manipulate the virtual environment, the role of physical activity, increasing interesting in the rehabilitation program. Therefore, this study developed a set of roles in the virtual scene (Avatar) combination of the Kinect actions to capture the upper limb clean sheet action, on / no virtual substitute for, the visual angle (0 °, 22.5 °) and target distance (3 m , 5 m) with different parameters designed for the performance of upper limb movements; and actual clean sheet environment and Kinect clean sheet of the scene under different circumstances, the upper limb motor performance. The results showed that the shoulder extension / flexion by virtual avatars, the impact of the 0 ° viewing angle; shoulder internal rotation / external rotation by virtual avatars effect; shoulder adduction / outreach by virtual avatars, target distance of 3 meters impact; by elbow extension / flexion virtual avatars, 0 ° viewing angle, the target distance of 3 meters impact. Target distance of 5 meters on the shoulder extension / flexion, joint adduction / external rotation angle changes affect the actual clean sheet environment. At a target distance of 3 meters in the the kinect clean sheet environment, right shoulder extension / flexion, joint extension / flexion angle changes affect the environment actually lost the ball and the kinect lose the ball the environment, a target distance of 5 meters, is the actual lost global environment and the shoulder extension / flexion, and intra-articular r / external rotation angle changes affect.


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