  • 學位論文


Supply Chain Coordination under Return and Buyback Policies

指導教授 : 蔡啟揚


企業間的競爭隨著科技日新月異,從個體對個體間的競爭轉變為供應鏈對供應鏈,而供應鏈成員的每個決策都會影響到整體系統,然而在產品多元化的環境下,消費者擁有更多的選擇機會,如何吸引消費者購買產品,並達到整體供應鏈利潤最大化且增加供應鏈成員利潤為本研究所要探討的目標。 在本研究當中,假設為單一製造商與單一零售商的單通道系統,在銷售期間,零售商願意接受消費者因為任何對產品不滿意而將產品退回,並全額退費,在銷售期結束後,零售商將退回的產品經過重新包裝,再由製造商以回購價買回尚未銷售與被退回的產品,並透過第三管道得到該產品的殘值。然而在現今大多數的製造商與零售商之間的關係為分散式管理,即各自以自身利潤最大化為目標,但是此方法卻不能使得整體供應鏈利潤為最大化,需透過集中式管理才能達到供應鏈協調,但是並非每個供應鏈成員皆可接受集中式管理 在本研究首先先探討集中式管理與分散式管理之間的不同,發現集中式管理可使整體供應鏈利潤最大化,但是沒有分配雙方利潤的機制,故提出會員制訂價、利潤分享與零售商加成訂價合約,透過這些合約訂定出製造商與零售商的最佳訂價策略,讓製造商與零售商在獲得比分散式管理多的利潤,並使整體供應鏈利潤最大化。最後對這三種合約進行分析與比較,並提出使用這三種合約的適用時機以提供給企業作參考價值。


Nowadays, there are many type of product can let customers choose, but customers maybe not satisfied with product’s color, size or function, and don’t want to buy the product , so many retailers propose return policy to let customers return the product when they are dissatisfied with product, but more and more return rate will make retailer’s profit down, and retailers will reduce order quantity to manufacturers, so manufacturers present buyback policy that retailers have more will to order products and share risk with retailer. Decentralize supply chain usually be used between manufacturer and retailer, but the overall profit is not greatest, and centralize supply chain can do that. This research assumes a manufacturer and a retailer in a single-period supply chain with return and buyback polices. First, we discuss the different decentralize supply chain with centralize supply chain on manufacturer and retailer’s optimal decision making, and we can find the optimal decision making on centralize supply chain can get maximum of overall profit, but it can’t separate their profit effectively, so this research proposes tree contract, membership pricing, profit share and retail fixed markup on decentralize supply chain, to coordinate the supply chain and let manufacturer and retailer’s profit are increase, and changing one parameter to show what effect for manufacturer and retailer’s profit or the distribution value in each contract. Finally, this research show what different from this three contracts and suggests enterprises what time they can use for each contract.


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