  • 學位論文


A study of "Book of Rites‧Family rule"ethics

指導教授 : 莊雅州


中國素有禮儀之邦美稱,禮是中國自先秦以來便不可或缺的文化要素,禮不僅是作為約束人類的一種規範原則,亦是實現倫理概念重要途徑,禮不僅關係著人的生活狀態、人際互動,更與人的內在道德有密切的關係。《禮記‧內則》是專門記載古代家庭生活的禮儀規範之篇章,並以孝悌為核心,以倫理為原則,強調人際交往該遵守的規範,通篇內容環繞著倫理的概念而述,包括家庭禮儀、飲食禮儀、養老禮儀,家庭是社會的基礎,飲食是生活之根本,至於養老則是修身行禮最基本的條件,因此,《禮記‧內則》記載的所有內容皆是禮儀最基礎的概念,亦是人們在學禮的過程中所需要先了解的部分。 《禮記‧內則》既然為家庭禮儀之書,則又可稱為古代家庭教育之書,亦影響後世相當深遠。本論文的研究重點有四方面,一為長幼倫理,二為兩性倫理,三為倫理的等級關係,四則為孝道思想於家庭、社會的運作,此四點亦是影響中國歷代倫理禮制最深的部分。禮對於現代社會來說還是有很高的可行性,甚至有許多社會亂象需要透過禮的教育來矯正,在倡導自由、多元的風氣之下,禮已逐漸被淡忘,因此,重新審視家庭禮儀與倫理概念有其必要性,《禮記‧內則》強調家庭教育的功能,灌輸倫理、禮制的概念是值得肯定的,我們應該藉由對禮義的了解、禮儀的實踐過程來思考禮於今日社會的可行性,讓人際關係、社會關係更和諧美好。


內則 孝悌 倫理 養老 家庭教育


China has the name of rites, since before the Qin Dynasty rites is an integral part of cultural elements. Rites not only as a normative principle of human restraint, and is an important way to realize the concept of ethics, not only affected the people's living conditions, social interaction, and more with people closely related to the intrinsic morality. The "Book of Rites‧Family rule " is devoted to documenting the ancient family life liturgical norms of the chapter, and filial piety& fraternal love as the core, ethical as principle. Emphasizes interpersonal norms compliance, content around the concept of ethics, including family rituals, eating rituals, pension rituals. The family is the foundation of society, and eatingt is fundamental to life. As for caring for the elderly is a foundation of moral characters cultivation. Therefore, the "Book of Rites‧Family rule " record of all content on this concept is the most basic etiquette, is also in the process of learning that people need to first understand the part. The "Book of Rites‧Family rule " as the family etiquette book, then can also called the book of the ancient family education, to affected profound and lasting. This thesis focus on four areas: one for the young and old ethics, two ethics for both sexes, three hierarchical relationship to ethics, four compared with filial piety in the family, social functioning. This is also affecting the Chinese ancient ritual deepest part of ethics. Rites for modern society still has a very high feasibility, even many social chaos needed to correct education through ritual. In advocating free, pluralistic ethos under, the ritual has gradually been forgotten. Therefore, re-examine the concept of family rituals and ethics is necessary resistance. The "Book of Rites‧Family rule " emphasizes the function of family education, instilling ethical, ritual concept is worthy of recognition. We should know by Ritual and ritual practice , to think about the feasibility of ritual in today's society. Promote interpersonal relationships, social relationships become more harmonious.


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