  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Empowerment Perception and Quality of Life among Elderly Residents in Nursing Home

指導教授 : 王瑞霞


本研究目的在於探討護理之家老人的激能感受、生活品質及其激能感受與生活品質之相關性。採橫斷式相關性研究設計,以台南縣、市及高雄市共八所護理之家年齡大於65歲的老年住民為研究對象,共收案102位,男性55位,女性47位,平均年齡78.45歲。研究工具使用結構式問卷,包括基本屬性問卷、身體功能量表、日常活動能力量表、激能感受量表及生活品質量表等。資料分析包括描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森檢定積差相關分析及逐步迴歸分析。研究結果發現護理之家老人的生活品質標準化得分為60.13,屬於中等程度,促激能感受標準化得分為51,表示促激能感受程度不高,去激能感受標準化得分為31,表示去激能感受程度也不高,西方宗教信仰者的整體生活品質較佳。受訪者身體功能及日常活動能力愈佳者,其整體生活品質愈好(r=.27, p<.01; r=.48, p<.001),促激能感受程度愈高者,整體生活品質愈好(r=.61, p<.001),去激能感受程度愈高,整體生活品質愈差(r=-.52, p<.001)。護理之家老人整體生活品質的重要預測因子為促激能感受、日常活動能力及婚姻狀態,共解釋44.4%的總變異數。 本研究結果可幫助瞭解護理之家老人生活品質、激能感受之現況及其相關性,依研究結果建議,臨床照護人員需注意住民激能感受對生活品質之影響,並藉由激能策略的應用來提升護理之家老人的生活品質,未來之研究可發展一套合適國內老人激能感受的測量工具。


The purpose of this study was to explore empowerment perception, quality of life (QOL), and the relationship between empowerment perception and QOL among the elders who were living in nursing homes. In this study 102 participants who were aged 65 and older lived in eight nursing homes in Kaohsiung and Tainan cities. The mean age of the samples was 78.45 years. A questionnaire was constructed for this study including demographic data, physical functions scale, activities of daily living (ADLs) scale, empowerment perception subscale, disempowerment perception subscale, and QOL scale. Descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product moment correlation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis were used to test the hypotheses. The results indicated: The standardized score of QOL was 60.13 and was considered a medium score for the overall sampling. The standardized score of empowerment subscale was 51, and the standardized score of disempowerment subscale was 31. The two subscale scores indicated that the empowerment perception and disempowerment perception were not intensity. Subjects who were of Christian/Catholic religions had higher entire quality of life. Those whose physical functions or ADLs were better had better entire QOL. The samples’ entire QOL were better when the level of empowerment perception was higher, and the entire QOL were worse when the level of disempowerment perception was higher. The significant predictors of QOL among elders in nursing homes were empowerment perception, ADLs, and marital status, which explained 44.4% of the total amount of variance. The results of this study provide information to better understand empowerment perception, QOL, and the relationship between them for the elders living in nursing homes. These findings suggest that nurses should pay more attention to the significant influence of empowerment perception on the QOL. In addition, future researchers should design intervention programs to improve the empowerment perception on this field. It is also necessary to design a suitable empowerment perception instrument for the elders in this country in the future.


行政院內政部(2000,89.3/25-4/30)?中華民國八十九年臺閩地區老人狀況調查摘要分析?內政統計諮詢服務網?取自 http://www.moi.gov.tw/W3/stat/home.asp
行政院內政部(2001,90.6/21-7/11)?中華民國九十年臺閩地區國民生活狀況調查摘要分析?內政統計諮詢服務網?取自 http://www.moi.gov.tw/W3/stat/home.asp


