  • 學位論文


Indulgence and regret-the experiences context of teenage males’sexual behaviors

指導教授 : 楊玉娥


中 文 摘 要 本研究旨在探討青少男性行為之經驗脈絡。研究方法採現學研究法,以立意取樣(purposive sampling)及滾雪球方式,在台灣南部技術學院收取十四位青少男學生做為訪談對象。研究者於九十一年三月至六月教授急救課程,利用課餘時間與學生建立良好互動關係,並於九十一年九月至九十二年二月積極參與學生之各項活動,從中找出有性經驗並同意參與本研究接受訪談者八名,並經由本校學生介紹其同學,經多次連絡會面,關心其健康、交友、課業等生活上之問題,建立信賴關係接受訪談者有六位,故研究對象總共有十四位。研究者於91年9月至92年2月分別與研究對象進行二至三次,每次60-90分鐘之深度會談,並寫成行為過程紀錄。所有的訪談內容經Colaizzi的內容分析法進行資料的分析。 資料分析結果,青少男性行為之經驗脈絡,依時間序列歸納出三大主題、八個次主題。三大主題為:一、發生性行為之緣起:外在誘惑與內在需求的推波助瀾;二、性行為之感受:歡愉和擔憂的對峙、性觀念開放和保守的矛盾;三、性行為後的陷溺與廻轉。八個次主題為:外在誘惑、內在需求、歡愉、擔憂、開放的性觀念、保守的性觀念、無法拒絕的性歡愉、重新再來的返廻。 本研究結果顯示,研究對象在性行為上受到傳播媒體、同儕壓力等因素的掌控,又缺乏正確性知識的來源,一方面享受性行為的樂趣,另一方面卻為避孕所苦。他們夾雜在保守與開放社會的轉折當中,性觀念愈來愈開放,性行為接受度也愈來愈高,但是,深植於心中的傳統性觀念卻又不知不覺地影響著他們的想法與做法,其心中是充滿著矛盾與迷惑;沉溺在性歡愉中不能自拔,又後悔發生性行為,希望能夠重新再出發。教育工作者必須了解他們心中的想法與感覺,才能真正協助類似個案跳脫此一現象。本研究可提供從事兩性教育之護理人員參考,同時,也可做本土兩性教育相關課程之參考。


青少男 性行為 經驗脈絡 現象學


Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate the experiences context of teenage males’sexual behaviors. Fourteen teenage males in some institutes of Technology were interviewed along with the employment of the methods of purposive sampling and snow ball developing. By instructing CPR class from March to June, 2002, the researcher had established a good interaction with students. The researcher has gained the permission from eight students who had had sexual experiences from the CPR class and the other six who were recommended by the eight students at my school (Fortune Institute of Technology). The researcher had met these six students for several times and established mutual trust by showing the concern about their health, friends, school life and other life problems. The study subjects are therefore totaled fourteen. The researcher interviewed each subject for two or three times from September 2002 to February 2003; each interview had lasted for 60 to 90 minutes and the process of the interview had been recorded. The content of interview was analyzed with the method of Golaizzi’s content analysis. The result of data analysis can be chronologically induced into three major themes and eight subthemes. The three major themes are as follows, 1.The reasons which initializes sex behaviors: the help of outer temptations and inner need. 2.The feelings for sexual behaviors: the conflict between joy and worries; liberal concept of sex and conservative concept of sex. 3.Indulgence and regret after having sex. The eight subthemes are as follows: Outer temptation, inner need, joy, worry, liberal sexual concept, conservative sexual concept, irresistible joy of sex, and regret after having sex. This study shows that the sexual behaviors of the subjects are influenced by the mass media and peer pressure, in addition to the lack of resources of correct sexual knowledge. Therefore, on one hand, they enjoy the joy of sex, but on the other hand, they are afflicted with birth control. They are stuck in the transition from a conservation society to a more liberal one. The concept of sex is getting more and more liberal; likewise, the acceptance of sexual behaviors is getting higher. However, the deep rooted traditional concept of sex unconsciously influences their thought and action, and they are filled with confusion and conflict. The educators need to understand their thinking and feeling, so they can really help similar cases out.This study can provide the nurses who are involved with sex education. At the same time, it can also be a reference for gender education courses in our country.




