  • 學位論文


Health Status and Quality of Sleep among the family Caregivers-for Home Care Clients as an Example

指導教授 : 邱啟潤


台灣長期照護需求人口持續增加,照顧者扮演重要角色,她/他們最大的願望是「好好睡一覺」。因此,探討照顧者的睡眠品質與健康狀況實為一重要議題。本研究採橫斷式相關性研究設計,收案110位。探討居家護理個案之照顧者健康狀況與睡眠品質的情況,並分析基本屬性與睡眠品質在健康狀況的差異性,及健康狀況之預測因子。以結構式具信、效度之問卷量表,包括自覺健康狀況、憂鬱及睡眠品質,進行資料收集,及健康體能檢測,三個量表的信度Cronbach,s α達.82∼.90,再測信度r為.85∼.88。 結果顯示,自覺健康狀況平均為4.26(±2.149)分,是不理想的。健康體能平均為2.87 (±1.48)分,屬不佳;82.7%的照顧者有憂鬱傾向;睡眠品質平均得分9.72±3.28分,屬不良。自覺健康狀況之重要預測因子為睡眠品質、罹患慢性疾病,解釋總變異量為26.1%;健康體能之重要預測因子為年齡、睡眠品質,解釋總變異量為24.1%;憂鬱之重要預測因子為睡眠品質、年齡,解釋總變異量為50.5%;可見睡眠品質是三項健康指標之重要預測因子。 在臨床實務中,及早介入慢性病防治、健康體能促進運動介入,與倡導照顧者週休一日的政策,讓其有好的體能與充足的睡眠,以增進照顧者個人健康;對於高齡的照顧者需要更多的關注。


Long-term care needs increase in Taiwan, Caregivers play an important role, her/their greatest wish is "a good night's rest." Therefore, Caregivers ' quality of sleep and state of health is indeed a major issue. The study design is a cross -sectional correlation study , inclusion of 110. Explore family Caregivers-for Home Care Clients of health status and quality of sleep, and analysis of the basic properties and quality of sleep in health differences and predictors of health. Instruments included the self-perceived health status, depression, quality of sleep, and health fitness tests. Instruments Cronbach,s alpha are. 82~.90, test-retest reliability of r. 85~.88. The mean score on the self-perceived health status was 4.26 (±2.149) is not ideal. Health Fitness tests averaged 2.87 (± 1.48) is a poor , 82.7% Caregivers have depression; quality of sleep score was 9.72( ± 3.28 )is a bad. Significant predictors of self-perceived health status for quality of sleep and risk of chronic disease totally explained 26.1% of the variance ; Significant predictors of health fitness for age, quality of sleep totally explained 24.1% of the variance ; Significant predictors of depression for quality of sleep and age totally explained 50.5% of the variance ; Quality of sleep is an important predictor of three health pointers. In clinical practice, early intervention, physical fitness promotion of sports intervention for chronic diseases, and advocate for Caregivers week-day policy, have good stamina and enough sleep to improve health personal care; elderly care needs more attention.


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