  • 學位論文


A Text Analysis of Homosexuality in Taiwanese Opera(kua-a-hì) ─ The Play 《Duan Xiu 》by Yi-Shin Taiwanese Opera Troupe

指導教授 : 林珀姬


歌仔戲作為源於臺灣的地方戲曲,早期從寺廟酬神演出作為生存方式,隨時代變遷發展至電視媒體歌仔戲,與劇場結合的劇場歌仔戲,而後由於政府大力提倡和補助藝文,一些歌仔戲劇團從野台演出轉型發展出精緻的公演劇團。 歌仔戲演出題材傳統上是以教忠教孝為主,而男女私情的愛情故事也是其經常搬演題材之一。題材限制日益明顯,加之觀眾年輕化,傳統題材對年輕觀眾吸引力逐漸減少。公演劇團如何突破題材限制是歌仔戲題材創作的一個重要問題。隨著現代生活發展,受西方思想影響,特別是近期大量出現的同性戀題材的西方電視劇,或多或少對原本是傳統的歌仔戲產生影響,刺激歌仔戲劇團探索製作新題材的作品。 本論文意在研究劇本「斷袖」,「斷袖」是「一心戲劇團」2013年首演,為歌仔戲同性戀題材開闢先例。由於研究者有機會與劇團合作,透過劇團資料提供協助,以「斷袖」作為研究主題探討同性戀議題在戲曲上的運用,及其對歌仔戲後續影響便成為本研究的主要興趣和動機所在。 本研究以歌仔戲新題材為研究面向,以劇本文本分析為主要研究方法,並且透過演出影片光碟與相關書籍為文獻資料輔助文本分析,以便梳理「斷袖」人物、語言、劇情架構。透過「斷袖」戲曲作品分析,期待對於歌仔戲新題材創作和演出特別是同性戀題材有所幫助。


Taiwanese Opera is the local opera rising in Taiwan, early they existed by performing in temples. From being with the development of the times to TV media Taiwanese Opera, then combined with theater performance, and finally due to the strong advocate and help of government, some Taiwanese Opera troupes turned a successful transition from temple performance to delicate public performance troupe. Traditionally, the performance theme of Taiwanese Opera is given priority to loyalty and filial piety, and the love story of men and women is another commonly played theme of the opera. With the increasingly obvious limitation of theme, together combined with the younger audience, there is less attraction on traditional theme to younger audience. How to break through the limitation of the performance theme in public performance troupe becomes a crucial issue for Taiwanese Opera theme creation. With the development of modern life, and influenced by western ideas, especially teeming with a large number of gay romance of the western drama recently, there are more or less some effects on the traditional Taiwanese Opera, then to stimulate the Taiwanese Opera troupe to explore some new themes. This paper aims to study the script Cut Sleeve, Cut Sleeve was premiered by Yi-Shin Taiwanese Opera Troupe in 2013, created the precedent theme of homosexuality in Taiwanese Opera. As the researchers had the chance to cooperate with troupe, and got the information with their help, then to explore the application of homosexuality theme which takes the Cut Sleeve as the research subject on opera, and its effect on Taiwanese Opera which forms the main interest and motivation for this study. This paper takes new theme of Taiwanese Opera as the research orientation, and script text analysis as the main research method. Conducted the auxiliary literature text analysis by performance films and related books, so as to identify the Cut Sleeve characters, language and plot structure.Through analysis of Cut Sleeve opera works, it is expected that there are some benefits on new theme creation and performance, especially on homosexuality theme.


楊翠(2008)。〈現代化之下的褪色鄉土 ──女作家歌仔戲書寫中的時空語境〉,《東海中文學報》,第20期。
