  • 學位論文


Experiencing History: The Role of Drama and Objects in Museum History Education

指導教授 : 王嵩山


人們總是憧憬著未來,卻難以掌握已逝的過去所存在的價值。歷史的藩籬要如何消弭?對歷史類博物館而言,一直都是十分重要的課題。文字,是我們理解歷史最主要的方式,卻不是唯一理解理解歷史的方式。雖然我們無法回到過去,但藉由探索歷史證物的過程所獲得的經驗,卻能讓人們擁有一種獨特的跨時空參與感。 國立臺灣歷史博物館(以下簡稱「臺史博」)是國內目前唯一常態運用戲劇詮釋的博物館,本研究以其中的「迷你劇場」為個案,透過觀察、訪談和問卷研究發現:臺史博採用「教習劇場」的理念和互動技巧,戲劇被視為一種引導觀眾表達個人想法的策略,故事著重在議題的鋪成,並借重兩難困境的設定,引導觀眾就當事人的處境思考建議,企圖讓參與者重新理解事件與歷史的多元和複雜。物件在迷你劇場是進入過去的鑰匙,為觀眾打開和過去之間的聯結,做為引發討論的基礎,其關鍵不在於物件資訊本身的獲得,而是創造對物件進一步觀察分析的互動經驗。臺史博讓觀眾感受到歷史是「活生生」的,在知識的傳達之外,和議題相關的想法、觀念、價值判斷,成為迷你劇場重要的產物,並讓觀眾感受歷史的可互動性、可對話性。 研究結果另顯示,觀眾認知迷你劇場有助培養歷史思維和促進對歷史的了解,並能藉由情感的投入去想像事件情境和對事件人物感同身受,進而理解不同的價值觀點,但對於如何將學習經驗實際應用在日常思考、探索和分析歷史上,並未有十足把握。筆者認為,博物館能提學校教育難以提供的探索情境、歷史證據和對話的刺激;說明過去發生什麼事,不應是目的,培養觀眾如何理解歷史、思辨事件,才能彰顯博物館歷史教育的價值,讓歷史和我們的關係不只是停留在過去,也包括現在和未來。


People always look forward to the future. However, what lies behind us, and the practical value of history is the most concerned issue for all the history museums. Reading is not the only way to understand the history. Through the drama and objects, we could experience the history in a very unique way. The National Museum of Taiwan History (NMTH) is the very first museum in Taiwan to develop theatre interpretation programs regularly. A case-study with a multi-method design including participant observation, interviews and questionnaires was set up to research into the “Mini Theatre” program launched by NMTH. The study aims to understand how people experienced the history through the program and what would be the roles of drama and objects in museum history education.According to the research results, here draws three conclusions: First, the drama as a communication strategy to encourage people to speak for the character and to think as the character. Second, the objects are the keys to connect the past and to invite people investigating and discussing more about it. Third, instead of giving the detail information about the history, showing how to understand the change of our world through analyzing and interpreting the history, would highlight the value of museum history education. Indeed, the form of “Mini Theatre” is not just providing a vivid historic experience, but also offering a path to own the history.


向麗容 等,2012。從兒童繪畫初探博物館劇場的學習成效:以臺博館「太陽之子故事劇場」為例。國立臺灣博物館學刊,65(4):頁7-27。
左曼熹、蔡怡君,2005。博物館物件教學之實務探討:英國與臺灣四個博物館的例子。博物館、知識建構與現代性(王嵩山 主編),頁237-254。臺中:國立自然科學博物館。
