  • 學位論文


Jhuang-Jing Kitchen : Participatory Art as An Educational Practice

指導教授 : 吳岱融


20世紀後半葉,藝術思潮及流派激烈湧現與更替,各種表現方式使得藝術語言變得多元,也擴充了藝術創作的定義。當代藝術關注日常生活與社會現實,甚至涉及地方的特殊脈絡,而其中的參與式藝術(participatory art)更是一種邀請觀眾直接參與的創作型態,讓觀眾成為藝術作品的共同作者。換言之,「觀眾」不再是被動的觀看者,而是透過親身參與成為主動的創作者。這層關係的改變,促使研究者思考:當參與式藝術作為積極連結藝術家及參與者之媒介,並透過共同創作的過程讓藝術家或參與者有所改變時,參與式藝術能不能被視為一種學習途徑,在歷程與反饋中產製知識? 本研究以研究者於臺北榮譽國民之家,與經歷韓戰戰俘生活的退役軍人馬世敬所共同進行的《莊敬夥房》參與式藝術實踐為例,探尋參與式藝術進入社群之實踐過程中所發生的學習經驗,進而探究參與式藝術實踐與學習之間的關係。以下列三大面向作為本研究之目的:(一)藝術如何鏈結藝術家與社群;(二)探討當參與式藝術作為藝術家與社群建立關係的媒介時,其實踐過程所產製之關係╱知識為何;(三)探討參與式藝術作為一種教育實踐,參與者在當中的學習關係為何。 本研究結果發現,透過製造關係的鏈結、建立互為主體的情境,及藝術家的多重角色,能使藝術作為與社會互動的媒介,接合藝術家與社群之間的關係,使得「學習」是在持續的關係中建構意義,個體也成為產製知識的主體。如此,參與式藝術可被視為是一種學習的途徑。


Various art movements emerged at the end of the 20th century. The emergence of these art forms both broadens the definition of art creation and enriches the language of expressing art. Contemporary Art focuses on portraying daily life and social phenomenon, including those of local cultures. For participatory art, the artists invite the audience to actively participate in the process of creation; observers are no longer ‘passive’ in the creative process. This change in the artist-audience relationship raises the question: Through the interactive process of providing feedback for both the audience and the artist, does participatory art promote learning that leads to the creation of various experiences? A case study is carried out in Jhuang-Jing Kitchen to explore through participatory art the life of a veteran, Ma Shi-Jing, who fought and became a prison of war of Korean War. This study reveals the learning outcome and the resulting experiences during/after the process of introducing participatory art. The study also examines the relationship between learning and participatory art. The aim of this study is to examine the following: 1) how art creates a bond between the artist and the community, 2) examine the relationship and the experience resulted in this process of bridging the artists and the community, 3) examine the role of participatory art in pedagogy and the learning outcome of participants from participatory art. The study indicates that through creating bonds as inter-subjectivity and multiple charters of artists, makes art as the interacting media with the society, connecting with artists and the community. The resulting relationship allows meaningful learning to take place and individuals to create knowledge. Therefore, participarory art could be recongnized as an innovative, yet effective approach of learning.


許琬翔(譯)(2014)。開啟創作自信之旅:走在創作的路上難免害怕,只有不放棄的人才能不斷成長(原作者:D. Bayles, & T. Orland)。臺北市:遠流。(原著出版年:1993)
