  • 學位論文

日治時期台灣民居近代化之探討 ─以中部地區士紳住宅為例

A Study on the Modernization of Taiwan House during the Japanese governance of Taiwan – as the Example of Mansions in Central Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃士娟


1895年,日本人開始統治台灣,帶入習自西方的新建築理念、材料、技術,運用於公共建設及官邸的興建。當時地方上的士紳,因經商或擔任公職,與日本人往來較頻繁,易接觸到這些新的建築,並在建造自宅時,將新的建築理念與台灣傳統建築思想互相融合,產生出有別於傳統的建築樣式。除了透過觀摩習得不同的建築方式之外,日本人亦以法律規定「家屋」的興建方式,如材料、設備的使用等等,開始了台灣民居建築的近代化。在民居近代化的同時,日本人以鼓勵的方式,將其生活文化如使用和式空間以及神道信仰帶入台灣民居空間。因此,台灣民居的近代化,包含了兩個方向:習自西方與習自日本。   本研究先探討台灣民居近代化的傳播歷程,包含三方面:殖民母國日本住宅的近代化以及傳到台灣後,為適應台灣風土而產生的本土化;台灣民居在洋務運動及日治時期的近代化;以及台灣民居受日本文化影響而產生的日本化。其次,以實際的案例來看日治時期的民居近代化的內容有哪些。最後,以綜合比較的方式,探討這些民居如何將傳統建築思想與新的建築理念相互融合。


日治時期 民居 近代化 中部地區 和室


Japanese people began to govern Taiwan in 1985, importing new concepts, materials and technology of architecture that were learnt from the western culture and applying them in building infrastructure as well as official residences. At that time, local elites had more opportunities to interact with Japanese because of their business affair or official status. It was easier for them to access those new buildings, combine the latest and traditional Taiwanese architectural designs, and create an innovative style that differed from the conventional ones. The modernization of Taiwan houses was not only promoted through the studies on various architectures, but also standardized based on Japanese legislations with focus on building houses such as the materials and the kind of equipment being used. Meanwhile, Japanese people encouraged Taiwanese residents to incorporate Japanese culture including Washitsu (a Japanese-style room) and Shinto (the primitive religion of the Japan) into their living style. As a result, the modernization of Taiwan houses consists of two aspects –Western and Japanese.  This research first discusses the progress in deriving modernization of Taiwan housing, which is divided into three periods of style: the aboriginal style that was originated in Japan but then accommodated to Taiwanese residence; the modern style created during the Self-Strengthening Movement in Taiwan and the time when Japanese people started to rule the country, and the Japanese style that was formed merely under the influence of the colonial motherland – Japan. The research then moves on to the next topic about different existence of modernization by introducing some actual cases in the colony period.  At last, by comparing all the styles together, it will discover in what way the residence combined traditional architectural concepts with the new ones.


2003 《台灣歷史圖說(史前至一九四五)》。台北市:聯經出版公司。
2000 《一九九九台灣集集大地震古蹟及歷史建築震害初勘報告書》。台南市:國立文化資產保存研究中心籌備處。
Google Earth


凌宗魁(2010)。分析世界近代建築 重新定義「裝飾藝術」〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2010.02639
