  • 學位論文


The Construction and Representation of Rumah : A Case of Sarawak Cultural Village

指導教授 : 王嵩山


「家」為一具體又抽象、整體又多貌的存在,其多重性顯現在各個不同的社會與文化脈絡中。在南島語族社會中更可發現「家」所具有的特殊性。本文以砂拉越文化村(Sarawak Cultural Village)為例,探討文化村中的Rumah如何再現與建構。 目的在於探究砂拉越如何透過「目的地文化」推展「長屋文化」,如何決定過去是什麼?並以人類學對家屋研究的觀點切入,著重於Rumah所處的自然環境與社會脈絡的探討,進而瞭解Dayak物質文化。 本研究也將以博物館展示分析的角度進行討論。探討被呈現與未被呈現的「Rumah」的面向,以及展示與權力間的糾葛關係。      本研究發現砂拉越文化村作為一文化、觀光與認同建構的接觸地帶,具有將Dayak文化本質化、複合空間創造以及Dayak社會再生產的功能;作為多元文化社會的文化詮釋體系之一則揭露了Dayak族群內隱的社會結構、族群關係與宇宙秩序,卻也隱藏了長屋中應遵守的傳統規範,削減了多數族群的聲音,忽略了現今各族群生活方式的轉變。若再將砂拉越文化村與九族文化村以及台灣原住民族文化園區相比較,則可發現原住民文化在不同社會中被理解的程度,實影響了文化村或文化園區自身的能動性。


The existence of the “House” is at the same time physical and abstract as well as holistic and multi-faceted, changes according to different social and cultural contexts. Moreover, the meaning of the “House” is particularly specific in Austronesian societies. This study explores how Sarawak Cultural Village promotes the culture of “Rumah Panjah” through the mode of destination culture and how Sarawak Cultural Village defines the past of Dayak. Based on the Anthropology theory of “house society”, this study analyzes the natural and artificial environment around the Rumah in order to understand the material culture of Dayak. This study also discuss the uncovered and covered faces of Rumah exhibited in Sarawak Cultural Village as well as the relationship between power and exhibiting through the approach of exhibition analysis of museology.   The finding of this study shows that Sarawak Cultural Village is a contact zone which can essentialize the Dayak culture, create multi-layered spaces and reproduce the Dayak society. The study also found that Sarawak Cultural Village is one kind of interpretation system of cultures which not only uncovered the social structure, ethnicity and the cosmic order among Dayak ethnic groups but also covered the adat in rumah, cut out the voices of other Dayak groups and ignored the changing ways of life. Finally, the study compares Sarawak Cultural Village with Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village and Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Cultural Park. Accordingly, the study argues that different levels of understanding of indigenous cultures in society can affect the agency of cultural village or cultural park itself.


張育詮,2013。〈書評:觀光思維下的文化與權力〉,《文化研究》,16: 226-231。
