  • 學位論文


A Study on Yang’s Texts about Mountain Ranges and the Geomantic Configuration in Taiwain.

指導教授 : 邱博舜


中國風水形勢宗主重風水格局在「龍、砂、穴、水」四訣完整性的要求。而《龍經》即是針對「龍」之形貌、真假、走勢、枝幹、吉凶…等問題討論之專書。本書分為《撼龍經》與《疑龍經》二部,《撼龍經》主論「龍」之山形樣貌類別,《疑龍經》則在實際操作時,依四訣論定風水格局。 本研究先以古籍《撼龍經》為主要文本,探討「五星」、「五行」、「九星」之演繹依循性,期望建構出「楊公九星」與「五星山形」之結構系統關係。接著探討「楊公九星」山形之文字定義與圖樣分析,再據以辨識臺灣山巒之九星類別,嘗試以臺灣實例解釋《撼龍經》,並歸納山形之辨識要點。最後整理歸納《疑龍經》之內文意涵,以理解依四訣構成一完整風水格局所需之各項條件。再逐一詳實分析臺灣幾例風水格局之優劣,最終設計一「風水格局簡易評估量表」以評估臺灣田調案例,統計田調案例所主重之格局條件是否與《疑龍經》相符,以確認楊氏《龍經》與臺灣風水形勢之關聯性。


龍經 撼龍經 疑龍經 臺灣 風水格局


The most important thing of the Chinese Fengshui - Terrain Faction is to request of the integrity of the four knacks: 「long(龍,mountain range、sha(砂,hill)、xue(穴,cave)、shui(水,water)」. The Longjing is an ancient text publishing discussions of the appearance、true or fake、the branches, and the auspicious or inauspicious of long. It includes the Hanlongjing and the Yilongjing. The Hanlongjing discusses the category of the appearance of long, and the Yilongjing is to discuss and judge the pattern of Fengshui when practicing actually. This study will investigate the evolution relation between the Five Stars、the Five Elements and the Nine Stars at first, and hope to systematize the structure relationship between Yang’s Nine Stars and the Five-star hill shape. The second is to plumb the textual definition and legends of Yang’s Nine Stars, then to identify the mountain classification in Taiwan, and to induce the methods of how to identify the classifications of mountains. It is also to summarize the Yilongjing by the meaning of the text, in order to understand the conditions required to constitute a complete Fengshui pattern according to four knacks; and then to scrutinize the pattern of few Fengshui cases according to the conditions one by one. Finally, it is to establish a 「Brief assessment scale of Fengshui」 to assess the cases of field work in Taiwan, in order to see if they are consistent with the teachings of Longjing or not .


1995 《風水理論研究二-景觀•建築•風水》。台北:地景企業股份有限公司
2006 〈貪狼諸詞來歷初探〉:《文資學報》第二期。
2004/1 《建築-Dialogue-風水》。台北:美兆文化事業股份有限公司。
