  • 學位論文


Toward Modernity: Innovations in the Chinese Theatre of the Late Qing Dynasty

指導教授 : 賴聲川


這份論文研究晚清公共劇場的重要變革,利用以報刊為主的一手史料,重新檢視1870年代至民國成立間,中國劇場以上海為中心的現代化歷程。全文除緒論、結論外,共計六章,分別從「演劇助賑」、「戲劇改良」、「學生演劇」、「新式劇場」、「鐘聲新劇」以及「世界劇場」六個層面,探討清朝末年中國公共劇場經歷的轉變,並將這些變化視為中國現代劇場的起源。 所謂「中國現代劇場」,指稱的內容同時涵蓋話劇此一新興劇種與傳統戲曲的現代化,也包括劇場硬體設備的求新求變。本文認為,中國現代劇場發端於變動劇烈的清朝末年,當時劇場中許多破舊立新的開創性作為,一方面反映了中國社會吸收的大量新知,一方面也為日後中國劇場的發展立下重要範例。 中國現代劇場的源起,與報刊媒體、新式學堂等機構共同開創的知識空間關係密切。報刊的傳播能量為劇場帶來前所未有的演出形式與內容,學堂培育的新興社群則為劇場提供了不同於過去的創作人才。劇場工作者既可從報刊上的時事尋找創作素材,他們編演的新劇也得以透過媒體的報導與評論傳佈四方。如果說以文字為媒介的報刊可不受空間的限制,劇場中的演出則可透過與受眾同處一室,製造更大的情緒張力;兩者的互動與互補,是形塑中國現代劇場的關鍵性作用。 檢視中國劇場始於晚清的現代性特質,無法規避一定程度的工具論傾向。但所謂的工具,不僅僅是上層社會試圖「啟蒙」下層民眾的媒介,也是位於社會底層的演員渴望突破自身地位的管道。進入二十世紀後,中國現代劇場從未停止參與政治社會大事,其中並不缺少劇場從業人士主動投身其間,以求取權力機制認可的動機。這是中國劇場特殊「現代性」的一面。 中國現代劇場的源起,無法只用「啟蒙」的概念加以理解。以劇場施行社會教育固然是戲劇改良言論人士的理想,但真正落實在劇場裏,卻很難不受到商業運作的影響。至於學生演劇與鐘聲新劇所進行的藝術實驗,距離啟蒙下層社會的企圖更遠,世界劇場在題材上展現的新視野,也已超越了戲劇改良言論的設想。


This dissertation studies the crucial innovations of late Qing public theatre and sees these changes as the beginning of modern Chinese Theatre. Based on contemporary newspapers and magazines, it re-examines the process of modernization of Chinese theatre which mainly took place in Shanghai. The six numbered chapters discuss respectively the six aspects of the new trends of Chinese public theatre from 1870s to the end of Qing Dynasty in 1912: theatre for famine relief; reform of traditional theatre; students’ theatre activities; establishment of new theatre buildings; Wang Zhongsheng’s new plays; and the staging of foreign stories. In contrast to ‘modern Chinese drama’, which has become equivalent to the spoken drama (Huaju), the term ‘modern Chinese theatre’ also includes the modernization of Xiqu and the transformation of performance venues. In terms of performance history, modern Chinese theatre germinated during the severely changing period of late Qing. On the one hand, the ground-breaking theatre innovations reflect the massive amount of new knowledge which was being absorbed into Chinese society; on the other, they also set important examples for later developments. The germination of modern Chinese theatre heavily relates to the knowledge sphere created by media and Western educational institutions. The mass communicative energy of Newspapers and other periodicals offered theatre unprecedented contents and forms, while communities bred by the new schools provided talents different from traditional artists. In the new media, modern Chinese theatre practitioners find their creative sources and, once their works are reported or received criticism, they become more influential than ever. While printed words in the periodicals may travel to distanced places, theatre performances are able to evoke great emotional flows through simultaneous existence with the audience. The complementary and stimulating interaction between the periodicals and the public theatre play a crucial role in the formation of modern Chinese theatre.




