  • 學位論文


The Research of Yuan Zhang Ha’s Performance of Elderly Man in Beijing Opera

指導教授 : 李殿魁


哈元章(1924-1995),為台灣京劇界四大鬚生之一。出生於北京梨園世家,十三歲進入富連成社,應工老生;從蕭長華習基本老生戲,後師張連福學唱工老生戲,從雷喜福學做工老生,亦從王喜秀習老生戲。二十幾歲倒嗆後便致力於做派戲,民國三十二年出科,便在大江南北各地演出。民國三十八年加入空軍,與空軍軍隊隨即撤退來台;民國三十九年空軍副總司令王叔銘將軍促使「空軍大鵬劇團」成立,哈元章進入「空軍大鵬劇團」長達三十三年(1950-1983)直到退休,期間擔任劇團主要老生、隊長、後台主任……等重要職務,歷經各種演出場合如:勞軍、慶典、文化外交、公演、義演、總統就職……等,閱歷豐富;曾任教於大鵬劇校與文化大學培養眾多學生;擔任國劇協會理事長長達十二年,致力推廣國劇及舉辦義演幫助他人。演藝生涯長達半個世紀,歷經京劇在台灣扎根的重要時期,擅長劇目有:《烏龍院》、《一捧雪》、《群英會》、《青風亭》、《打嚴嵩》 ……等,透過其影像、評論文章、劇本、文獻、報紙、口述歷史……等資料做為分析哈元章京劇表演藝術的根基,歸納出他的表演特色,並探討他對於京劇藝術的想法如何實行在表演及教育上,鼓勵晚輩學習傳統勇於創新,淺移默化中對台灣京劇傳承有著不可或缺的影響。


Hayuanzhang(1924-1985), one of the four greatest Taiwan Lao-Sheng actors. He was born in Liyuan family. He joined Fu-lian-cheng training class, becoming gonglaosheng when he was thirteen. He started to learn laosheng from Xiao CuiHua, Chang LianFu, and Wang SheShow. At his twenties, his voice turned into matured so that he devoted himself into playing Pai drama. During 1940s, he graduated and played around. In 1949, he joined Air Force and retreated to Taiwan. Air Force deputy Commander General Wang Shu-Ming promoted to set up the Air Force’s DaPeng. Hayuanzhang had joined the Air Force’s DaPeng for thirty three years(1950-1983) till he retired. He served as main characters of Lao-Sheng, captain, director of backstage…etc, many important jobs, experienced variety of performances such as reward-troop performances, celebration, cultural diplomacy, annual performances, charitable performances, the inauguration of President performance…etc. He also taught for DaPeng Peking School, and Chinese Culture University. He had become the chairman of the National Opera Association for 12 years, devoted himself to promote Peking opera and helping people by charitable performances. His career lasted for half of century, experiencing the historical period of Taiwan Peking opera. His professionals are “Oolong Yuan”, “Stick of Snow”, “Heros”, “GingFengTing” and “DaYuangSuang”…etc. Through its image, critics, script, documents, newspaper, and oral history..etc. These information is the foundation to analyze Hayuanzhang’s art of Peking opera, to induce his style performances and to explore his practice of his idea shown on performances and education. He encouraged students to learn the tradition and become brave to innovate, his teaching change and influence unobtrusively and imperceptibly for Taiwan Peking opera.


李元皓(2008)。京劇老生旦行流派之形成與研究發展 。台北:國家出版社。
一、 專書著作

