  • 學位論文


Effect of Repaglinide and Metformin Combination Therapy Compare With Repaglinide Monotherapy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Treatment

指導教授 : 陳宏一


背景 : 根據我國衛福部國民健康署的調查:全台灣有227萬5000名糖尿病友。良好的血糖控制可以減少併發症的產生,複方藥預期可發揮加成的療效達到更穩定的血糖值。本研究欲探討Repaglinide合併Metformin之複方藥與單方藥Repaglinide之療效。 方法: 這是個隨機分組研究。研究組別使用的藥物是Repaglinide 1mg 合併 Metformin 500mg;對照組別使用的藥物是Repaglinide 1mg。在12週後以HbA1c、FPG、PPG等指標評估療效。 結果 : 共有36位受試者完成此研究。HbA1c 在Repaglinide 1mg/Metformin 500mg組和Repaglinide 1mg組分別下降了0.7%和0.3%;FPG和PPG在兩組中分別下降了18.2 mg/dL 和 8.6 mg/ml,且Repaglinide 1mg/Metformin 500mg組在FPG和PPG皆有達到顯著下降。 結論 : Repaglinide 1mg/Metformin 500mg組的合併療法比起Repaglinide1mg單方療法在血糖控制上有更佳的表現,且可避免併發症的發生。


Purpose: According to the demographics from Taiwan National Health Insurance Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare, there are approximately 138 million diagnosed diabetes people in Taiwan. To control hyperglycemia well can decrease renal, ocular, and neural complications. Combination therapy possibly provide more efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Methods: This is a randomized controlled study. The study group received Repaglinide 1mg/ Metformin 500 mg. The control group received Repaglinide 1mg.The efficacy was evaluated after 12 weeks of treatment, including HbA1C, FPG, and PPG. Results: There were 36 subjects completed the study. The HbA1c levels decreased 0.7 % in Repaglinide/Metformin group in 3 months and was comparable with Repaglinide monotherapy group (0.3%). The FPG and PPG decreased 18.2 mg/dL and 8.6 mg/ml, respectively, which were significantly improved after Repaglinide/Metformin treatment. Conclusions: Repaglinide/Metformin combination therapy provided adequate glycemic control when compared with Repaglinide monotherapy, and without further increase in hypoglycaemia complication.


Repaglinide Metformin Combination Therapy


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