  • 學位論文


Integration or Diversity? -- My social work journey through accelerated program

指導教授 : 謝祿宜


踏入社會工作的領域是生命劇本不期而遇的章節。在企業工作多年,因車禍意外轉向非營利組織工作,再因為莫拉克風災而與社區工作結緣並接觸「高雄市政府社會局委託辦理八八災後重建基層組織社工專業人力養成培育計畫」,開啟學分班社工的身分。 在學分班課程第一階段的實習,我與同學遇到了衝擊,對社會工作領域是公平正義且友善開放的環境的認知有所落差斷裂,感受這領域仍如同社會主流價值的觀念般在乎「出身」,存在學分班社工被質疑專業能力的現象。 本研究以我身為學分班社工、社區工作者以及宗教信仰作為社會工作支持系統的經驗為出發,透過自我敘說呈現從事社會工作之心路歷程。敘說絕非僅止於個人生命故事的抒發,透過研究而理解社會工作發展脈絡軌跡、挑戰社會工作專業建制化的迷思以及建構社會工作的本質。反思社會工作領域重視科學典範及專業理論之時,是否忽略了經驗知識的重要。 論文最後,認回了自我認同以及建構社會工作本質是:回到「人」的樣貌,放下偏見及主流價值框架,成為「有心人」更貼近自己、他人及環境,如海納百川以接納開闊的心從事助人工作。


Embarking on the journey of social work is an unscripted story in my life. I had worked in corporations for years, and changed career to non-profit organization after a car accident. Because of Typhoon Morakot in 2009, I was exposed to community development, and participated in a government-funded training project of “rebuilding community social work profession from the bottom up” by enrolling myself in the accelerated social work program. During the first phase of internship, my classmate(s) and I encountered some challenge as students of the accelerated program. My understanding of justice and diversity promoted by social work in a workplace was put into question. It was felt that the field of social work shared similar mainstream values where social status and background were important, students from accelerated program were viewed as the second class social workers and our capability was being doubted. The dissertation is focused on self as a social worker from the accelerated program, as a community worker and as a faith-based social worker, using self-narrative to describe my experiences of social work journey. Narrative is not only about expressing my own personal story, it is also to understand the context of social work development, to challenge the myths of social work professional structure and the core of social work establishment through analysis, it also raises the issue that practice wisdom tends to be left out in the development of social work knowledge and theory. The dissertation ends with self-identification and the values of social work that is centered on “individual, letting go of prejudice, bias and the mainstream frame of reference, becoming a person with a heart, being more harmonious with self, other and environment,expecting myself to be a tolerant and open-minded helping professional, like an ocean that contains all rivers.


余宜叡、林益卿、 蔡佩渝(2010)。深入探索的生命回顧—敘事探究。安寧療護雜誌15(2),206-218。
