  • 學位論文


Valuation Method of Contaminated Land

指導教授 : 李泳龍


台灣的工業化衍生許多土壤與地下水等環境污染問題,許多未經處理的工業廢水、廢棄物與原料等汙染物滲入地下,造成難以清除的永久性汙染,嚴重污染土壤,其所造成後續土地利用問題非常複雜。依據行政院環保署民國97年公告台灣地區受汙染土地之控制場址高達638處,受汙染土地之整治場址也有17處(統計資料截至2008年04月02日止)。土地受汙染後將影響不動產所有權之權能,相關人與物受限相關法令不得為原來之使用收益,更甚限制使用、收益與處分,而汙染須繳納之相關費用優先於一切債權及抵押權,因汙染將禁止強制拍賣等將改變金融機構之擔保估價模式與放款。 本研究以台南市安南區台鹼安順廠受污染地區為例,運用Bell(1999)污染情境模型與土地開發分析法評估該污染地區價值,所得結果顯示目前台鹼安順廠污染地區,住宅區價值為NT$ 9,500元/坪、農業區為負價值(NT$ -20,359元/坪)、四筆勘估標的合計NT$ 42,166.2萬元。經實證結果得知受汙染不動產在污染評估階段前可運用Bell(1999)污染情境模型評估,但在控制或整治計畫皆段則可運用土地開發分析法評估,但須考量是否要按公告現值30%扣除土壤及地下水污染整治基金。此污染性土地評價模式,可作為未來污染土地估價方法的參考。


Industrialization in Taiwan has generated many environmental pollution issues for lands and ground water. Many pollutants such as industries’ raw waste water, waste materials, and raw materials are permeate into the ground and has caused permanent land pollution that will never be swept away. It has led to fairly complicated issue for continuously land utilization. As per Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan announcement in Year 2008, there is a total of 638 control sites were polluted, and a total of 17 sites to be cleaned up (statistical information is latest updated on 2nd of April 2008) in Taiwan. Contaminated land would be affected for its real property ownership rights. Previously regulation was no longer applied; furthermore, it impacts further restrictions for usage, profits, and penalty. Any expenses relevant to pollutions must be placed in the priority prior to all liabilities and mortgages. It might also results in forceful auction that will change financial institutions’ assured waluation mode and fund release. Taking Tainan City Annan District Taiwan Alkali Industrial Corp (TAIC) Anshun polluted site as an example, this study uses Bell (1999) pollution situational model and land development analysis method to evaluate value of the land. As the result shows current pollution zrea in Alkali Industrial Corp (TAIC) Anshun site, residential area values NT$ 9,500/level ground, agricultural area values NT$ -20,359/level ground, and a total of four estimated lands values NT$ 421,662,000. According to investigation result, it shows that polluted real property is using Bell(1999) pollution situational model for evaluation prior pollution evaluation stage; but it uses land development analysis method to evaluate during control or cleaning up plan stage. However, it should be taken into consideration that current land value will be deducted up to 30% for land and ground water pollution cleaning up funds. This land pollution appraisal mode will be used as reference for future land pollution waluation method.


12.林英彥(2004)不動產估價實務問題解答,台北:文笙書局 。



