  • 學位論文

福克納短篇小說“A Rose for Emily”三種中譯本比較研究

A Comparative Study of Three English-to-Chinese Translation Versions of William C. Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”

指導教授 : 李恭蔚


作為諾貝爾文學獎得主的福克納,從其南方文學觀出發,在<給愛瑪麗的一朵玫瑰花>這篇小說中,透露了美國南方社會的歷史變遷; 本論文旨在針對福克納短篇小說<給愛瑪麗的一朵玫瑰花>的三種中譯本作比較研究,分析來自台灣和中國的譯本,並探討可能遇到的翻譯問題; 在架構上,本論文先介紹筆者撰寫此論文的研究動機與目的,以及研究方法;其次說明威廉˙福克納的文學創作背景,將重心集中在<給愛瑪麗的一朵玫瑰花>的譯作及其重要性;事實上該短篇小說一直被美國大學院校採用,作為重要文選作品;第三,本論文將提出何種翻譯策略與翻譯技巧,及何種寫作風格最有利於中文讀者深入理解這篇短篇小說。 第四,筆者以讀者為中心,分析三種中譯本的優劣,並指出譯文的文學表達效果; 最後,筆者認為,譯者本身的中英文能力和相關背景知識,對於達到譯出優質譯文的目的最為重要。 筆者建議: 在理解和評介這篇小說時,譯者必須抓住小說的歷史變遷和脈絡,從多元的角度來詮釋其文學性,歷史性和思想性,才能更深刻地掌握這篇小說的精神和價值;希望本論文將有助於喜愛閱讀及翻譯美國短篇小說的讀者。




This essay aims at discussing the problems of a comparative study of three English-to-Chinese translation versions of William Faulkner's short story, “A Rose for Emily”. One version comes from China, two from Taiwan. This thesis is divided into five chapters: The first chapter tells the author’s motivation of writing this paper and his research methods. The second talks about the life and literary background of William Faulkner, focusing on why “A Rose for Emily” is so important and frequently selected in literary anthology of American colleges. The third compares three Chinese translation versions of “A Rose for Emily” from the reader-centered point of view. The fourth discusses the translation skills of this short story, pointing out how to reach the goals of providing true meaning, good writing style for the Chinese readers. The author emphasizes that translator’s skills and background knowledge is extremely important for fulfilling these goals. In the last chapter the author contributes his findings of this study which might be helpful for those who are interested in translating and reading American short stories.


“A Rose for Emily”


Bloom, Harold., Modern Critical Views: William Faulkner. New York: Chelsea House Rublisher, 1986. 295pp. R-P.235 對本文較有研究的讀者是 Judith Fetterly.本讀物15.16篇專論,討論F的主要作品。Judith Bryan Wittenlerg 的 “William Faulkner: A Feminist Consideration”討論 R, 233-246。
Watson, James G., William Faulkner: Letters & Fictions. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 1987. 214pp. R-95-96;98,101.
Martin Luther The Reformer, published by Toronto Willard Tract Depository(3rd Ed),
Gibaldi. Joseph, ed. Introduction to Scholarship in Modern Languages and Literatures. 2nd ed. New York: MLA, 1992.
