  • 學位論文


A Discussion of English-to-Chinese Translation Skills on the Best-Seller Novel Things Fall Apart

指導教授 : 李恭蔚


本論文旨在比較與評析由阿奇貝(Chinua Achebe)所著的暢銷小說Things Fall Apart一書之台灣譯本《生命中不可承受之重》,與大陸譯本《瓦解》。筆者將以義大利裔美國學者勞倫斯‧韋努蒂(Lawrence Venuti)所提出的歸化翻譯與異化翻譯加上其它的翻譯策略為本論文研究的基礎。除了比較台灣與大陸譯本所採的翻譯策略之外,筆者也將提出試譯的句子,以增進自身的翻譯能力。本論文一共分為五章,第一章先說明筆者的研究動機、研究目的與研究方法;第二章則是文獻探討,其中介紹Things Fall Apart一書的作者與內容簡介,譯者暨譯文評介、及本論文所應用之翻譯理論及其相關文獻;第三章探討如何讓譯文臻於通暢,其中包括順暢原則與歸化策略;第四章則提出如何適當掌握異文化的特點,包括異化策略與精確原則。在三、四章當中,筆者也將提出眾多實例加以探討分析,說明譯者在翻譯時,如何適當運用不同的翻譯技巧,讓譯文臻於通順流暢,而又不失去譯出文的原意,及其文化含意。第五章則為結論。綜合筆者歸納台灣與大陸的翻譯策略,期望本論文能提供一點淺見給未來有志研究兩岸翻譯策略之士。


歸化 異化 翻譯策略 韋努蒂 阿奇貝


The aim of this study is to discuss two Chinese translation versions of the best-seller novel Things Fall Apart, written by Chinua Achebe. One of the translation versions was published in Taiwan; the other was published in mainland China. The author will apply the translation strategy suggested by Lawrence Venuti and other translation strategies as the foundation of this study. Moreover, the author’s translation will be provided. This study covers five chapters. The first chapter introduces the author’s motivation, purpose and research method for this paper. The second chapter is literature review, including the introduction of the author of Things Fall Apart and his works, the translators and their translations as well and reviews of related translation strategies and literatures. The third and the fourth chapters discuss about the translation strategies of domestication and foreignizaion. Here the author provides many examples to discuss how translators use different translation strategies to make translation readable and rewarding. Furthermore, the author points out that while using the foreignizing strategy, in addition to maintaining the structure of the source language, the translators should make sure the translation meet the usage of Chinese. The fifth chapter is conclusion. The author hopes that this thesis will be helpful for those who are interested in literally translation, especially novel translation.


謝宜霏(2008)。過猶不及?:史蒂芬‧金小說《Bag of Bones》兩種
Achebe, Chinua (1959). Things fall apart. United States: Anchor Books.
Lefevere, André ed (1992). Translation/History/Culture: A Sourcebook.
