  • 學位論文


A Study of Taiwan International Commercial Harbour Organization Business Orientation - Case Study for Kaohsiung Harbour Bureau

指導教授 : 顏義文
共同指導教授 : 彭俊揚


台灣國際商港組織目前仍維持偏向於行政體制的交通事業機構,肩負航政管理及港埠營運功能,而台灣位於世界貨櫃航運最繁忙的地區,但大陸港口的迅速發展,台灣製造業的外移,都對於台灣國際商港的發展產生直接的衝擊。隨著貨櫃大型化、裝卸快速化,鄰近港口近年來對於碼頭港埠設施的投資規劃龐大,並將港埠經營組織調整以符合航運市場發展的需要,港口管理與港埠營運各自獨立運作,政企分離,以公司化、企業化來經營港口,以提升港埠競爭力。 行政法人化為目前我國國際商港組織的推動方案,並為落實港市合一的精神,理監事會成員仍由行政部門來指定或選派人選,惟國際商港面對的是國際化、自由化的競爭,組織變革應對未來的市場清楚定位,具有獨立自主經營及開拓市場的能力,港口組織業務導向化,以尋找事業發展的利基。 本研究針對鄰近競爭港口的實務發展經驗及相關文獻資料,從組織發展與變革、核心能力、競爭優勢、人力資源及組織文化等構面來探討,並以高雄港務局為例。而為瞭解不同層次人員的意見,採用一般人員及高階主管兩份問卷,透過港務局一般員工及高階主管、研究所師生、航運港埠業界高階經理人等,有效樣本為346份,回收率86.28﹪,運用信度、效度分析、敘述性統計分析、因素分析、獨立T檢定及ANOVA變異數分析,獲得許多實務意見,以提供台灣國際商港組織調整方向的建議。茲將結論節錄如下: 一、港務局組織管理已無法迎合市場經營需求,而組織法人化規劃,不管組織內外人員普遍對於該制度不甚瞭解,港務局員工雖認同組織變革有助於港埠事業發展,但對員工權益保障感到不安,並對市港合一態度趨於保守。 二、高雄港地理環境優異、港灣條件良好,但台灣的多港政策將使運量移轉貨源分散,而對於港口事業未來發展的方向及市場定位缺乏明確規劃。 三、高雄港碼頭場地租金及港埠費率具競爭力,各項優惠及獎勵措施具有誘因,但裝卸量及獲利能力卻逐漸下滑,兩岸直航仍是大家關注的焦點,多角化發展技能需及早因應準備。 四、港務局員工人力老化嚴重,業務銜接呈現斷層,而另一方面人力過剩,應設法有效加以處理,並引進需用業務人才。 五、高雄港具有良好的商譽,員工服務態度及能力受肯定,應建立明確的企業願景,釐清組織的經營使命。


Nowadays the international harbour organizations in Taiwan are the business agency of the traffic administration systems, which is in charge of not only the marine & navigation administration but also the harbour operation business function. Taiwan is located in the busiest international container shipping area, but Taiwan international harbour development has been exposed by direct impacts of the rapid growth of the mainland China harbours and the emigration of manufacture industries from Taiwan. Following the maximization of container ship size and the fast operation of cargo handling the neighbour harbours have invested tremendously to their port facilities. In the meantime, their organizations have been re-organized to meet the requirements of shipping market development, such as the separation of the administration and port operation, for upgrading the competitive ability by coporatization and enterprization. The transformation of administrative legal person is a promoting project of the international harbour organizations in Taiwan. For the implementation to the integration of the harbour and city, the government sector still points or assigns the members of managing and supervising council. But facing the globalization & the liberalize competition; the new harbour organization should have clear orientation to the future market, with the capability to operate independently, and to promote new market. The business oriented harbour organization, then, can find the niche of business development. The study was focused at the development experience and related literatures of the neighbour harbours, trying to understand them in various aspects, such as the organization change & development, core competence, competitive advantage, human resource & organizational culture. Finally, the study has attempted to investigate the opinions of different working levels in Kaohsiung Harbour Bureau. Therefore, two questionnaires have been applied to executive mangers and the others. From these questionnaires, the study was trying to analyse with the validation & reliability of the test, the descriptive statistics, factor analysis, independent T-test, and ANOVA analysis of variance. Some results were achieved, which might provide recommendation for the future planning of the Taiwan international harbour organization. Conclusions achieved are summarized as follow: 1. The organization management of harbour bureau could not fulfil the demand of market management. The planning of harbour organization is transforming to administrative legal person, which is not generally understood by the person inside or outside the harbour bureau organization. Although they consider that the organization transformation might be beneficial in the development of harbour business, they don’t feel the secure of the future concerning their working right and privilege. Therefore, they express the conservative attitude to the integration of city & harbour. 2. With superior geographic location and natural environment, Kaohsiung Harbour has been put a quite disadvantage by the government’s multiple ports policy. Also lacking clear planning might split the amount of shipping and cargo of Kaohsiung Harbour. 3. Although the Kaohsiung Harbour’s quay rent fee & tariff are competitive, and same time have many discount & special offers to the shipping and enterprise sectors, the cargo handling and profit are going down now. “Direct transport between the two side” is still the main issue that draw most of the attention and multi-develop technology and capability should be prepared in advance. 4. Now the average age of Harbour Bureau employee is getting old and lack of the young trained persons coming into the technician and business fields of Harbour Bureau. On the contrary, there are too many persons in some specific shrinking units. This situation should be reorganized. 5. Kaohsiung Harbour Bureau has very good reputation. Good service and capability were confirmed by customs. Clear enterprise vision should be established, which could clarify the obligation of this organization.


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