  • 學位論文


Persuasive Translational Norms in the Translations of R.O.C. Presidential Inaugural Addresses

指導教授 : 董大暉 藍月素


中華民國總統就職演說辭(ROC Presidential Inaugural Addresses, 以下簡稱RPIAs)英譯乃正式的官方文告,以方便外國人士了解新任總統的施政方針為目的,外國人士從RPIAs英譯判斷總統是否值得信任,故英譯必須考量外國人士慣用的說服性篇章架構與語言特徵。 為比較RPIAs英譯說服力是否與譯語文化中類似文本的說服力相當,本研究利用Toury(1995)的「描述性翻譯研究」(Descriptive Translation Study, DTS)對「翻譯規範」(Translation Norms)的論述,分析中華民國總統民選後四篇RPIAs英譯之「初始規範」(initial norms)、「預先規範」(preliminary norms)和「操作規範」(operational norms)。研究發現,RPIAs英譯較多採用「靠近譯語」(target-oriented)之翻譯規範。 另外,本研究將焦點放在操作規範之「語篇語言學規範」(textual-linguistic norms),分析具說服力之譯文所使用的遣詞。在分析過程中,本研究以10篇美國總統就職演說辭(American Presidential Inaugural Addresses,以下簡稱APIAs)為對照文本,使用統計量化分析方法,分析兩種語料使用不定詞(infinitives)、說服性動詞(suasive verbs)、分離式助動詞(split auxiliaries)、表必須的情態動詞(necessity modals)、表可能的情態動詞(possibility modals)、表預測的情態動詞(prediction modals)、條件句(conditional subordinations)、連接詞(conjunctions)、第一人稱複數形(first personal pronouns),共9項說服性標記的差異。 研究結果顯示,RPIAs英譯與APIAs在不定詞、分離式助動詞、表必須的情態動詞、表可能的情態動詞、表預測的情態動詞和條件句的使用上無顯著差異,但在第一人稱複數形的使用有顯著差異,代表RPIAs英譯與APIAs在說服性標記的使用上有部份差異。因此,本研究建議在翻譯類似總統就職演說辭文本時,增加第一人稱複數形的使用,使英譯更符合譯語的說服力表達方式。


In the ROC presidential inaugural address (RPIA), the president is expected to make his government policy known to the public and most importantly, to persuade them to accept and support his policy. The English translation of a RPIA is an official document delivered to the English-speaking community. Therefore, when translating RPIAs, translators should obey the norms of English texts of equivalent importance in their use of persuasive structures and linguistic features in order to achieve similar persuasive power on the English audience. The current study explores the functioning of potential translational norms in the translations of RPIAs. The three types of translational norms described in Toury’s (1995) Descriptive Translation Study (DTS), namely initial norms, preliminary norms and operational norms, were examined based on the English translations of the four RPIAs made by three president-elects between 1996 and 2008. The result of the analysis shows that the translators tend to have adopted the “target-orientated” translation norm when translating RPIAs. Furthermore, in regard of textual-linguistic norms included in the operational norms, the current study compares the use of persuasive features in RPIA translations with that of 10 US presidential inaugural addresses (APIAs) to test whether these features are used differently between the two texts. The persuasive features compared in this study included seven persuasive markers derived from Biber’s (1988) study of the variation between text and speech, namely infinitives, suasive verbs, split auxiliaries, necessity modals, possibility modals, prediction modals and conditional subordination, as well as conjunctions and first person pronouns which were identified in the literature review as having impact on the persuasiveness of a speech. The results of quantitative analyses show that the difference between the two types of texts is significant only in the use of first personal pronouns. No significant differences have been found in the use of the rest of persuasive markers. In order to make the translated RPIAs more target-oriented, this study suggests that translators use more first personal pronouns to increase the persuasiveness of the translations when translating RPIAs or texts with similar rhetorical styles from Chinese into English.


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