  • 學位論文

《How to Get What You Want at Work》之翻譯與譯評

The Commentary on the Translation of 《How to Get What You Want at Work》

指導教授 : 李憲榮


本論文旨在討論筆者翻譯Dr. John Gray 所著的 「How to Get What You Want at Work」 (第一至八章)一書過程中的翻譯心得和體會。本論文共分六章。第一章說明筆者翻譯本書翻譯緣起、研究動機和目的等。第二章則簡介原著作者、內容,和書評。第三章說明筆者翻譯前所做的準備,以及翻譯時遭遇的困難。第四章是《男女大不同—男女輕鬆溝通》全書的中譯文。第五章則對翻譯的實務進行一番探討,歸納本書翻譯譯文心得,以作為日後改進參考。第六章總結全文。


翻譯技巧 對等 意譯 增詞 省略 詞性轉換


This thesis contains the author’s translation of the source book《How to Get What You Want at Work》by Dr. John Gray (Chapters 1 to 8) and discusses what the author has learned from the process of translating the book and the translation techniques applied to translating the book. This thesis is divided into six chapters. Chapter I introduces the origin and the motive of this thesis. Chapter II gives a brief introduction of the author of the source book and its content. Chapter III states the author’s preparation and anticipated difficulties before translating and how this author deals with the difficulties. Chapter IV is the translated text of the source book. Chapter V is a summary of translation experience and an analysis of the translation techniques involved. Chapter VI concludes the thesis with the author’s thoughts.


12. 李俊忠,2000。「混沌碰上華爾街之翻譯與譯評」。碩士論文,台灣師範大學翻譯研究所。
11. 張秀如,2006。「偶然生為亞裔人之翻譯與譯評」。碩士論文,長榮大學翻譯研究所。
14. John Gary, Ph.D. (2002), How to Get What You Want at Work: Quill.
3. Longman Dictionary Of Contemporary English, Third Edition: Longman.
1. 馮慶華(民90),英漢翻譯寶典,凡通出版社,桃園


